I'm using cake in my projects to build, run unit tests, check code coverage and then generate an HTML report (using ReportGenerator). This is all working correctly, and I can open the generated report in my browser.

However, when I was previously using a dos batch file to do this, it would also launch my default browser and load the report after it was generated, but I can't find a way to do that with cake.

Here are the contents of the batch file I've been using:


SET SearchDirectory=%~dp0Grapevine.Tests\bin\Debug
SET DllContainingTests=%~dp0Grapevine.Tests\bin\Debug\Grapevine.Tests.dll

for /R "%~dp0packages" %%a in (*) do if /I "%%~nxa"=="xunit.console.exe" SET TestRunnerExe=%%~dpnxa
for /R "%~dp0packages" %%a in (*) do if /I "%%~nxa"=="OpenCover.Console.exe" SET OpenCoverExe=%%~dpnxa
for /R "%~dp0packages" %%a in (*) do if /I "%%~nxa"=="ReportGenerator.exe" SET ReportGeneratorExe=%%~dpnxa

if not exist "%~dp0GeneratedReports" mkdir "%~dp0GeneratedReports"
call :RunOpenCoverUnitTestMetrics

if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
 call :RunReportGeneratorOutput

if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
 call :RunLaunchReport
exit /b %errorlevel%

"%OpenCoverExe%" ^
 -target:"%TestRunnerExe%" ^
 -targetargs:"\"%DllContainingTests%\"" ^
 -filter:"+[*]* -[*.Tests*]* -[*]*.*Config -[xunit*]* -[*]Grapevine.Interfaces.*" ^
 -mergebyhash ^
 -skipautoprops ^
 -register:user ^
exit /b %errorlevel%

"%ReportGeneratorExe%" ^
 -reports:"%~dp0\GeneratedReports\CoverageReport.xml" ^
exit /b %errorlevel%

start "report" "%~dp0\GeneratedReports\ReportGeneratorOutput\index.htm"
exit /b %errorlevel%

I have tried using the following:

StartProcess(new FilePath("./GeneratedReports/ReportGeneratorOutput/index.htm"));

To which I receive the following error:

An error occured when executing task 'generate-report'.
Error: The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform.

I have verified that the path is correct and the file exists, and that copy/pasting the file path on the command line indeed opens the file in my default browser.

3 Answers 3


I couldn't figure out a way to do this with just Cake, so I resorted to calling CMD with StartProcess:

if (IsRunningOnWindows()) {
    StartProcess("cmd", new ProcessSettings {
        Arguments = $"/C start \"\" {testCoverageReportPath}index.htm"

This works great for my needs.


You can do this using the StartProcess alias example:

FilePath reportpath = File("./GeneratedReports/ReportGeneratorOutput/index.htm");

What finally worked for me was this:

if (IsRunningOnWindows())
    StartProcess("explorer.exe", reportPath);

Obviously, this won't work on non-windows environments, but that's outside the scope of my needs. Everything else I tried produced an error either that the file could not be found or that the executable was invalid for the OS.

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