The geckodriver.exe is not loading when I run with testNG. Firefox will launch, but selenium cannot connect to the browser and I get an error:

Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms. ....

My setup:

  • Windows 7
  • Eclipse Neon 3
  • Selenium 3.0.1
  • Geckodriver v0.13.0 (was using v0.11.1)
  • Firefox 48.0.2

First I created a quick test using Java and selenium. It just opens the browser and navigates to page. When this runs I see geckodriver process then the firefox process appear in the task manager.

Then I created a new project using Maven and testNG following the set-up from GURU99 web site. I have selenium and testNG added to the pom.xml file.

I used the convert project to testNG (xml file) and set the run configuration to run the XML file.

When I run the test I can see firefox process, then ff starts up. But the gecko driver process is never started.

Here is my code (excluding the imports):

public class NewTest {

    private WebDriver driver;

    public void test01() {        
        System.out.println("Pge title " + driver.getTitle());                 

    public void beforeTest() {        
        System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "c:\\selenium\\geckodriver.exe");        
        driver = new FirefoxDriver();

    public void afterTest() {

1 Answer 1


You've missed to set the Marionette capability, e.g.

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", <<Your driver path here>>);
DesiredCapabilities cap = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();
cap.setCapability(FirefoxDriver.MARIONETTE, true);
cap.setCapability(FirefoxDriver.BINARY, <<Your firefox.exe path here>>);
cap.setCapability(FirefoxDriver.PROFILE, <<Your firefox profile here>>);
driver = new FirefoxDriver(cap);

I am using the above and it works like charm!

For more, see: Selenium 3 using Firefox Geckodriver.

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