I would like to create a Jupyter notebook to make a tutorial.

When I go to the jupyter website and I try jupyter in the browser, there is already a nice python tutorial, with some cells used as text explanations and others as code:

enter image description here

Now I create a new notebook and I am able to create different cells and format them in 4 types:

  • Code
  • Markdown
  • Raw NBConvert
  • Heading

However none of them allow me to create the text explanations with white background as in the image above. I tried formatting one cell as markdown and it's just keeping with the grey background.

Am I missing something? Thanks.

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


After creating those blocks you have to run them to give you that white background.

Press Ctrl + Enter inside the block.

For eg.

  1. Click on a cell. Press Esc and then press 1

  2. Now type this: "THIS IS A HEADING"

  3. And then press Ctrl + Enter.

You will get this as an output with a white background (The image below is a bit dull):

enter image description here

  • 1
    Wow, it's simpler than I though. Thanks
    – user2261062
    Jan 31, 2017 at 12:23
  • I would also suggest you use a python code formatter for Jupyter notebooks: github.com/kenkoooo/jupyter-autopep8.
    – Roman Orac
    Dec 24, 2018 at 21:23

In addition, by using the %%html magic command, you can type HTML in cells and get them rendered the way you want

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