Full code: https://github.com/kenpeter/test_vue_simple_audio_2

In Main.vue

I tried to assign new value to this.player.currentTrack, by following this guide.

selectTrack: function selectTrack(id) {
  this.player.currentTrack = Object.assign(
    { currentTrack: id },
  this.player.elapsed = Object.assign(
    { elapsed: 0 },
  // this.play();

It seems no error, until I click the button


Error: Cannot read property 'duration' of undefined

In Main.vue, currentTrack.duration

<div class="player__timer">
  <div class="player__timer__elapsed" v-text="player.elapsed"></div>
  <div class="player__timer__total" v-text="currentTrack.duration"></div>

<div class="slider player__progress-bar">  
  <input type="range" :value="player.elapsed" :max="currentTrack.duration" />

From the image, you can see that there is a value: 274, which is the value of currentTrack.duration initially. After I click the button, currentTrack becomes undefined. currentTrack is a computed value.

2 Answers 2


You used currentTrack.duration instead of player.currentTrack.duration, try this:

<div class="player__timer">
  <div class="player__timer__elapsed" v-text="player.elapsed"></div>

  <div class="player__timer__total" v-text="player.currentTrack.duration"></div>

<div class="slider player__progress-bar">  
  <input type="range" :value="player.elapsed" :max="player.currentTrack.duration" />
  • Hi, For currentTrack there are actually 2 of them (with the same name). One is player.currentTrack and the other one is computed: { currentTrack: function ().... }. I need the one in computed. How do I use computed in template?
    – kenpeter
    Mar 2, 2017 at 2:49

this is the correct way to do object.assign. My method above is wrong.

let player = {
  currentTrack: 0,
  other: ""


player = Object.assign(
  { currentTrack: 2}


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