I hope someone can help before I go crazy :-) until yesterday I was able to add artifacts from other VSTS projects, this suddenly stopped. Initially I thought it was an issue with my GIT repo so I tried rebuilding with no success, now I have tried setting up a test project with below settings.

VSTS test project1 -> GIT repo with a folder containing a single ps1 file (scripts\helloworld.ps1) ->

i have created a build definition (helloworld) with build step (Copy Publish artifact):

copy root: blank
contents: scripts**
artifact name: helloworld
artifact type: server

I have within "same project" created a release definition and linked above artifact I have added following task, this runs without issues.

powershell script:
Type: file path
Script path:

From another project I have created another release definition with following settings:

Artifacts: helloworld
type: build
project: test project1
source (build definition): helloworld
source alias: helloworld

task powershell script:
Type: file path
Script path:

But when I run this I get the following errors: Downloading artifacts failed: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.FileContainer.ContainerNotFoundException: The container 1081070 could not be found. The container 1081070 could not be found.

I am now totally lost can some help me and maybe give an answer to why this was working perfectly yesterday but not now?


1 Answer 1


I can reproduce this issue if trigger the release with Hosted Build agent. I submit a feedback here: VSTS release The container 568443 could not be found, you can follow up it. (you submitted the issue here: The container XXX could not be found. (hope someone can help))

The workaround is that you can setup a on premise build agent and use it for the release.


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