I am using named ranges to create charts dynamically. I take a snapshot every 5 minutes of data and add a new line. The charts update correctly when new data is added.

However, when I clear the first line of data then I get error messages saying

a formula in this worksheet contains one or more invalid references.

I can't do anything because the pop up won't stop coming up. Is there a way to make my formula stronger so it accounts for when the first row is cleared?

My formula:


The header starts in cell B130, but the first line of data is in B131. I tried using the Indirect formula, but that didn't seem to help. I am not deleting rows either, I am just clearing the data.

  • Does your formula end up looking like this: =OFFSET(Spreads!#REF!,1,0,COUNTA(Spreads!$B$130:$B$1048576),1)? Mar 21, 2017 at 13:36

1 Answer 1


Try using INDEX:


This returns a reference to the 131st row in column B extended to the 130th+COUNT row in column B. It's also non-volatile unlike OFFSET - They are only recalculated when any of the function's arguments change.

  • That fixed it! Awesome, thanks so much for the help!
    – Nknautz
    Mar 21, 2017 at 13:59

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