I'm trying to test my consumers with the testing framework from django channels, but even a basic test doesn't seem to work

This is what my test case looks like:

from channels import Channel
from channels.test import ChannelTestCase, HttpClient, apply_routes
from rci.consumers import Demultiplexer
from rosbridge.consumers import OtherWebSocketConsumer

class ChannelTestCase(ChannelTestCase):

    def test_channel(self):
        client = HttpClient()
        client.send_and_consume('websocket.connect', '/new/') # <--- here's the error

This is my routing:

http_routing = [
    route("http.request", admin.site.urls, path=r"^/admin/", method=r"^$"),
    #...and so on

channel_routing = [Demultiplexer.as_route(path=r"^/sock/")]

This is my consumer:

class Demultiplexer(WebsocketDemultiplexer):
    channel_session_user = True

   consumers = {
       "rosbridge": ROSWebSocketConsumer,
       "setting": SettingsConsumer,

This gives me the following error:

ERROR: test_ros_channel (robot_configuration_interface.tests.unit.test_channels.ROSChannelTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/cjds/development/robot_configuration_interface/robot_configuration_interface/tests/unit/test_channels.py", line 36, in test_ros_channel client.send_and_consume('websocket.connect', '/new/') File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/channels/test/http.py", line 94, in send_and_consume self.send(channel, content, text, path) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/channels/test/http.py", line 79, in send content.setdefault('reply_channel', self.reply_channel) AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'setdefault'

I'm trying to follow this tutorial here:


1 Answer 1


channels 1.x

You are calling send_and_consume with two positional arguments which results in effect in this call (which is exactly why there happens an error during execution in this line):

# AGAIN this is wrong code this is what is written in the question
# only difference is the naming of the (previously positional) arguments
client.send_and_consume(channel='websocket.connect', content='/new/')

and here is the explanation why there is an error:

However, the implementation of send_and_consume expects content to be a dictionary:

def send_and_consume(self, channel, content={}, text=None, path='/', fail_on_none=True, check_accept=True):
        Reproduce full life cycle of the message
        self.send(channel, content, text, path)
        return self.consume(channel, fail_on_none=fail_on_none, check_accept=check_accept)

Implementation code taken from: https://github.com/django/channels/blob/master/channels/test/http.py#L92

channels 2.x

See https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/testing.html, as mentioned in the comment by Paul Whipp.

  • Marking this down for now because the answers wrong in many ways. For eg. content='/new/' is not correct but path='/new/' is would be correct. I appreciate the effort, and If you can incorporate github.com/django/channels/issues/586 into your answer and remove mistakes I'll mark it right
    – cjds
    Jun 10, 2017 at 0:05
  • Well, if you could read the text around the wrong call you would understand that the line you complain about, especially content='/new' is your line of code, and - of course - it is wrong because content has to be a dictionary as I have already stated in my answer above.
    – Risadinha
    Jun 12, 2017 at 15:07
  • @cjds: You should reconsider whats written in the answer, this looks correct to me!
    – Amir Hadi
    Oct 2, 2017 at 18:52
  • Thanks @AmirHadi I didn't see the edit. Marking correct
    – cjds
    Oct 2, 2017 at 19:33
  • This question and answer apply to channels 1.x. For 2.x see channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/testing.html
    – Paul Whipp
    Nov 18, 2018 at 19:42

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