While creating a LAMP stack using a predefined AWS CloudFormation template, I'm getting an error, due to which the stack creation is rolled back.

cloudFormation Error I'm unable to understand the error message.

Here is the template for that LAMP stack that I was trying to create; I have just changed Instance volume t2-micro in this.

Would appreciate any help in getting this resolved.

  • Are you sure you've shared the same template you used? I didn't find any resource of type 'AWS::EC2::Instance' defined in that template.
    – Aditya
    May 18, 2017 at 17:56
  • Yes I am using the same template , This temp is from sample template of AWS lamp basic docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/… May 19, 2017 at 8:29
  • The link that you shared in question was for template name: 'LAMP stack scalable and durable', the link that you just shared in the comment above was for 'LAMP stack basic'.
    – Aditya
    May 19, 2017 at 15:33

2 Answers 2


Assuming by 'instance volume' you mean 'instance type'? Looks like a typo; t2-micro should really be t2.micro (i.e. a dot rather than hyphen).

  • Yes , I used the same "t2.micro", but unable to understand the error. May 22, 2017 at 5:38

Try this script https://github.com/benishak/lamp-aws-cloudformation

With it you can deploy any PHP App like Wordpress or your own application. you can specify your application source code and it will be deployed to the instances

I think your error is caused due to failing health check, this can due to misconfigurations in Network ACL or Security Group or missing NATGateway for private subnet. Or the instances is returning error like HTTP 4xx or 5xx, or 3xx. this could be a problem in the deployed app itself. Make sure the deployed code is returning 200 and make sure you specify the write health check path

Try using the above script, it will create a new VPC with all configurations and resources you need.

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