I have the tried the following queries to return a result set back to excel utilizing ADO.


FROM uSubjectivities 
WHERE account_no = '1172014'
    AND version_num = (SELECT max(Cast(version_num as Int)) from uSubjectivities 
                            WHERE account_no='1172014' 
                                AND SubjectivityID = '6472140') 
        AND SubjectivityID = '6472140'
        AND TermType = 'Common'

TOP (1)

FROM uSubjectivities 
WHERE account_no = '1172014'
    AND version_num = (SELECT TOP (1) Cast(version_num as Int)
                        FROM uSubjectivities 
                        WHERE account_no='1172014' 
                            AND SubjectivityID = '6472140'
                        ORDER BY version_num DESC) 
    AND SubjectivityID = '6472140'
    AND TermType = 'Common'


FROM uSubjectivities S
    SELECT TOP (1) Cast(version_num as Int) v
    FROM uSubjectivities 
    WHERE account_no='1172014' 
        And SubjectivityID = '6472140'
    ORDER BY version_num DESC
) mv
ON mv.v = s.version_num
WHERE SubjectivityID = '6472140'
    AND TermType = 'Common'

However, both are taking a lot longer than I (and my users) would like.

Max takes 14 secs to return 15 records (type is varchar(max) as these can be fields with long text strings). Top 1 takes 14 seconds. Join takes 16 seconds

Any parameter inside single quotes is ultimately passed into the query. I run the query about 6 times (but could be more or less depending on parameters). In my example now, this portion of the code is taking 42 seconds on Max and 37 on Top 1. 40 secs for Join.

Is there anyway to optimize this speed. For now, we are trying to avoid indexing since the database will have to be reindexed over and over down-the-road.

Furthermore, both of those queries run in nanoseconds inside SQLServer so I don't know why they are so slow in ADO.

EDIT I have also loaded this into a Stored Procedure and called as same from VBA. Did not help with return time.

  • Perhaps storing the queries inside of SS will speed up your processing since as stored SS objects, they'll be optimized - just pass in the parameters as needed. May 22, 2017 at 15:22
  • Also, be sure you are you the "best" driver to retrieve your data. If possible, use native SQL SERVER drivers rather than the generic ODBC drivers. May 22, 2017 at 15:23
  • Oh yeah one other thing... about that nanoseconds result in SS... be sure in MGMT STUDIO that the "full" result set has returned in nanoseconds. Quite possible your result window, even though it looks like you have your results, may still be filling. May 22, 2017 at 15:26
  • @flaZer - are you saying store the procedure inside SQLServer itself and just call it from the ADO with the parameters? (Also, I am using native SQLServer drivers and getting full result set). May 22, 2017 at 15:46
  • 1
    @DMason - Thanks for your comments. I am learning here and what you say makes way more sense than what my colleague says :) May 23, 2017 at 1:32

2 Answers 2


You can try getting rid of the subquery and use an order by with top in your main select:

FROM uSubjectivities 
WHERE account_no = '1172014'
AND SubjectivityID = '6472140'
AND TermType = 'Common'
ORDER BY version_num desc

Here is another option for n rows:

             RANK() over (ORDER BY version_num desc) AS RK
      FROM uSubjectivities 
      WHERE account_no = '1172014'
      AND SubjectivityID = '6472140'
      AND TermType = 'Common') A
  • I thought of this too but I need to return the n rows per latest version number. May 22, 2017 at 15:35
  • @ScottHoltzman Overlooked that, added another way.. Side note, It seems pretty clear that ADO is behaving badly, as your queries are fine the way you have them. Maybe it will handle RANK() better, but that may be a hopeful thought. May 22, 2017 at 15:59
  • agreed @AaronDietz. I am trying the Rank now. May 22, 2017 at 16:02
  • unfortunately that performed worse then all options 46 seconds total time for all the calls. May 22, 2017 at 16:10
  • @ScottHoltzman Ha, bummer. Sorry. There has to be someone around who is familiar with this. The only other thing I notice is that in your original queries, TermType = 'Common' isn't in your subquery filters. You'll likely be better off putting it both inside and outside the subquery, as you have with your other filters. I highly doubt that will solve the issue, just something to note. May 22, 2017 at 16:16

You are having an issue called Correlated subquery:

In a SQL database query, a correlated subquery (also known as a synchronized subquery) is a subquery (a query nested inside another query) that uses values from the outer query. Because the subquery may be evaluated once for each row processed by the outer query, it can be inefficient.

see here another example:

 SELECT employee_number, name
   FROM employees AS emp
   WHERE salary > (
     SELECT AVG(salary)
       FROM employees
       WHERE department = emp.department);

To solve this, you have to join the result instead to do another select inside your first select, check this answer here

  • Interesting, because my subquery can be run stand-alone and is independent of the outside query. I am testing the join out right now to see if it helps. May 22, 2017 at 15:36
  • writing it as a join added 3 seconds to the total run time :( May 22, 2017 at 15:49
  • Could I See the query written with join? May 22, 2017 at 15:54

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