I have an XML file as:



I have another XML in string type as :

  <comparison compare="and">
    <operand idref="Agent" type="boolean" />
    <comparison compare="lt">
      <operand idref="Premium" type="float" />
      <operand type="int" value="10000" />

I need to comment the 'condition block' in the first xml and then append this second xml in place of it. I did not try to comment the first block but tried to append the second xml in the first. I am able to append it to it but I am getting the '<' and '>' as &lt ; and &gt ; respectively as



 &lt;comparison compare="and"&gt;
&lt;operand idref="Agent" type="boolean"/&gt;
&lt;comparison compare="lt"&gt;
  &lt;operand idref="Premium" type="float"/&gt;
  &lt;operand type="int" value="10000"/&gt;

How do I convert this back to < and > rather than lt and gt?

And how do I delete or comment the <condition> block of the first xml below which I will append the new xml?

tree = ET.parse('basexml.xml')  #This is the xml where i will append
tree1 = etree.parse(open('newxml.xml'))  # This is the xml to append
xml_string = etree.tostring(tree1, pretty_print = True)  #converted the xml to string
tree.find('a/b/c').text = xml_string #updating the content of the path with this new string(xml)

I converted the 'newxml.xml' into a string 'xml_string' and then appended to the path a/b/c of the first xml

  • XMLs are easier to manipulate with a library designed for that. try: crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc May 25, 2017 at 10:26
  • tree = etree.parse(open('basexml.xml') #This is the xml where i will append May 25, 2017 at 10:46
  • @mzjn tree = ET.parse('basexml.xml') #This is the xml where i will append tree1 = etree.parse(open('newxml.xml')) # This is the xml to append xml_string = etree.tostring(tree1, pretty_print = True) tree.find('a/b/c').text = xml_string I converted the 'newxml.xml' into a string 'xml_string' and then appended to the path a/b/c of the first xml May 25, 2017 at 10:55

1 Answer 1


You are adding newxml.xml, as a string, to the text property of the <c> element. That does not work. You need to add an Element object as a child of <c>.

Here is how it can be done:

from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

# Parse both files into ElementTree objects
base_tree = ET.parse("basexml.xml")
new_tree = ET.parse("newxml.xml")

# Get a reference to the "c" element (the parent of "condition")
c = base_tree.find(".//c")

# Remove old "condition" and append new one
old_condition = c.find("condition")
new_condition = new_tree.getroot()

print ET.tostring(base_tree.getroot())


  <comparison compare="and">
    <operand idref="Agent" type="boolean" />
    <comparison compare="lt">
      <operand idref="Premium" type="float" />
      <operand type="int" value="10000" />

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