I have a Json model in my SAPUI5 app and I want to bind it to a table. I have the table already with columns and items: lets say 3 columns and 3 rows.

<items> <ColumnListItem> <cells></cells><cells></cells><cells></cells>
<ColumnListItem> <cells></cells><cells></cells><cells></cells>
<ColumnListItem> <cells></cells><cells></cells><cells></cells>

I would like to bind dinamically without having to specify text="{/field}" because my Json has 3 arrays that go each to 1 row and the field names aren't the same. Is this possible ?

For example:

var data = {
0: [ {firstname:"AA", lastname: "BB", Phone: "123"}, ],
1: [ {firstnameParent:"AB", lastnameParent: "BC", Phone: "456"},],
2: [ {firstnameGtParent:"ABC", lastnameGtParent: "CC", Phone: "555"},]}

Right now I'm placing for each cell text="{/0/firstname}"text="{/0/lastname}"text="{/0/phone}" and next row text="{/1/firstnameParent}"text="{/1/lastnameParent}"text="{/1/phone}" but the example has 3 cells and if I had more it doesn't sound like a good idea .

Is it possible ? to bind without specifying the fieldname? I've tried different options but without any success.

Expected table output

col1 | col2 | col3
AA | BB | 123
AB | BC | 456
ABC | CC | 555
  • How about using a more generic data structure? I would say right not it's not possible
    – Marc
    Jun 6, 2017 at 15:01
  • The structure is from an external webservice and I cannot modify it Jun 7, 2017 at 17:24
  • Well but you could convert the model into a better model. After all it's just JSON
    – Marc
    Jun 7, 2017 at 20:56

1 Answer 1


If your data really looks like your example you can trick it with formatters

bind your rows as follow


bind your cells as follow

text="{ path: '', formatter: 'formatFirstname' }"
text="{ path: '', formatter: 'formatLastname' }"

and add the formatters to your controllers

function formatFirstname(obj) {
    for (let v in obj) {
        if(obj.hasOwnProperty(v) && v.startsWith('firstname')) {
            return obj[v]

function formatLastname(obj) {
    for (let v in obj) {
        if(obj.hasOwnProperty(v) && v.startsWith('lastname')) {
            return obj[v]

(code not tested) You got the idea ? this should give you the result you expect

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