I am trying to create MSI file for my c#(.net) web application in visual studio 2013. I have added web setup project template (installer project template) in my solution and configured it for my required project.After building solution I am bale to get the MSI file but while installing it, it is throwing Error: 2714. I searched and tried many things to solve it but the error still persists.

Could anyone help me with the Error 2714 in MSI installation.

  • The error means "Invalid value for default folder name: [2]." and should include the folder name, was it in the exact message text?
    – PhilDW
    Jun 12, 2017 at 20:17
  • @PhilDW : Where to set the default folder name. I didn't set default folder , but still my MSI works fine if i restart the machine. After few hours it agains throw same error.PFB the exact error message- The error code is 2714. The arguments are: APP/NEWBUSINESS/QUOTE/CONTROLLERS/|app/newbusiness/Quote/Controllers/ Jun 13, 2017 at 4:51
  • Any solution to this?
    – koviroli
    Oct 1, 2023 at 7:47


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