We're using HashiCorp's Vault to store database connection credentials, then constructing the connection string for pg-promise from those. The 'catch' is that the Vault details are provided from a Promise wrapper, due to request callbacks to the Vault API.

Example database.js module:

const pgp = require('pg-promise')(/* options obj */);

const getDbo = () => {
    return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
        vault.init().then(secrets => {
        let credentials = secrets.dbUser + ':' + secrets.dbPass
        let connStr = 'postgres://' + credentials + '<@endpoint/db>'
        let dbo = pgp(connStr, (err) => {
module.exports = { get: getDbo }

This is being imported in multiple routes. With this we are seeing the warning "WARNING: Creating a duplicate database object for the same connection." Is there a better way to resolve this so there is only one object per connection details?


1 Answer 1


Creating and initializing a connection for pg-promise is a completely synchronous operation, as per the API, so there is no point using promises for that.

For initializing the library see Where should I initialize pg-promise.

See also:

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