Error: "Did not find value '1' in VLOOKUP evaluation."

In the example I'm trying to lookup 1 and retrieve aa but get the error above. Ideally I'd like a non-script solution. Thanks.

B1: =LEFT(C1,1). Copied down to B2...B3


2 b

1 aa

4 d

D1: =VLOOKUP($F$1,($B$1:$C$3),2)

F1: 1

Sample sheet

3 Answers 3


It's because you're looking for number in a text. Numbers are aligned right. Text is aligned left. Since B1 is already a number, but just seen by Google as text, you simply multiply it by 1 to convert text to number.

  B1: =(LEFT(C1,1))*1

Or you convert F1 to text by

  F1=  '1


=VLOOKUP(TEXT ($F$1,"0"),($B$1:$C$3),2,false)

You only columns C and F. You can use split to sepatate column C like this:

=arrayformula(vlookup(F1,split(C1:C3," "),2,false))

Just wrap each first column value in VALUE() to make them numeric.

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