I am looking at this example and below answer which is a nice solution to produce two's complement:

library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity twoscomplement is
     Nbits : positive := 8 
     A : in  unsigned (Nbits-1 downto 0);
     Y : out signed   (Nbits downto 0)
end entity twoscomplement;

architecture a1 of twoscomplement is
  Y <= -signed(resize(A, Y'length));
end architecture;

I want to use the said example to have two's complement and then make a "16-bit subtractor". The code will look like the following:

library IEEE;

entity subtractor_16bit is
  Port (    a     : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
            b     : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
            cin   : in STD_LOGIC;
            sum   : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
            cout  : out STD_LOGIC;
            over  : out STD_LOGIC
end subtractor_16bit;

architecture Behavioral of subtractor_16bit is

component fulladder_16bit is
  Port (
          a     : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
          b     : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
          cin   : in STD_LOGIC;
          sum   : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
          cout  : out STD_LOGIC;
          over  : out STD_LOGIC
end component;

component twoscomplement is
  Port (
        A : in  unsigned (15 downto 0);
        C : out signed (15 downto 0) 
end component;

signal n1 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);


    twoscomplement_1: twoscomplement port map (a => a ,c => n1); --ERROR
    fulladder_16bit_1: fulladder_16bit port map (a => a, b => n1, sum => sum , cin => cin, cout => cout, over => over);

end Behavioral;

However, I am receiving an error saying: Error: type error near a; current type std_logic_vector; expected type unsigned.

Kindly help me to solve this problem.

  • 2
    There are at least three errors visible without a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable example. In twoscomplement port map (a => a ,c => n1); --ERROR. C in twoscomplement is declared as type signed while n1 is defined as type std_logic_vector. the size of A and C have a default generic value that isn't modified here, length 8 and 9 respectively while A is 16 long as is C. The generic needs to be be passed and the length of n1 adjusted. Two's complement can also be preformed in an expression without a structural element.
    – user1155120
    Sep 23, 2017 at 4:07
  • Just look at the implementation of twoscomplement and you can already see an example of type casting...
    – JHBonarius
    Sep 23, 2017 at 11:57
  • 1
    type_conversion ::= type_mark ( expression ) Explicit type conversions are expressions converting between closely related types. Two array types are closely related if and only if the types have the same dimensionality and the element types are closely related. A type is closely related to itself. IEEE Std 1076-2008 9.3.6 Type conversions. Array types signed and std_logic_vector are closely related having the same element base type.
    – user1155120
    Sep 23, 2017 at 16:05

1 Answer 1


As nobody is answering this and nobody is down voting it, I will answer.

Look at the error

Error: type error near a; current type std_logic_vector; expected type unsigned.

Now look at entity subtractor_16bit.

entity subtractor_16bit is
    Port (    a     : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
    component twoscomplement is
        Port (
            A : in  unsigned (15 downto 0);
    twoscomplement_1: twoscomplement port map (a => a ,c => n1);

What do you see? twoscomplement expects an unsigned, while a is std_logic_vector! Just like the error says.

std_logic_vector and unsigned are two separate types. As VHDL is a strongly typed language, you cannot just put the data from one type to another. You need to use type conversion.

For unrelated types, you should implement a type conversion function. Or functions, if you want bidirectional conversion. E.g.

function (input : type_a) return type_b;

But in this case, std_logic_vector and unsigned have the same underlying type, std_logic. (std_ulogic actually since VHDL-2008 I believe.) In that case you can convert from one type to another explicitly. E.g.

    signal a_u : unsigned(y downto 0);
    signal a_slv : std_logic_vector(y downto 0);
    a_u <= unsigned(a_slv);

Next, your not instantiating the twoscomplement component properly. The entity has a generic Nbits. By default you set it to 8. But in your architecture Behavioral of subtractor_16bit, you feed it with 16 bits, without changing the generic value. That doesn't work.

Also: twoscomplement has two ports: A and Y. But in subtractor_16bit you start using A and C. That's bad coding practice.

Finally, you can drop the component declarations. Just instantiate the entities from the library. E.g.

twoscomplement_1: entity work.twoscomplement [...]

So, subtractor_16bit should look something like this:

library IEEE;

entity subtractor_16bit is
    Port (
        a     : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
        b     : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
        cin   : in STD_LOGIC;
        sum   : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
        cout  : out STD_LOGIC;
        over  : out STD_LOGIC
end entity;

architecture structural of subtractor_16bit is
    signal n1 : signed(a'range);
    twoscomplement_1: entity work.twoscomplement
        generic map(
            NBits => a'length
        port map (
            a => unsigned(a),
            y => n1
    fulladder_16bit_1: entity work.fulladder_16bit
        port map (
            a => a,
            b => std_logic_vector(n1),
            sum => sum,
            cin => cin,
            cout => cout,
            over => over
end architecture;


HOWEVER this will still not work.

As you see on your entity twoscomplement, port A has a size of NBits, and port Y has a size of NBits+1. That is because you seem to want to keep 16-bit value precision. So when converting unsigned to signed, you need to add a 17th bit for the sign. As a result, the rest of you code will need to be modified!

.... But this can be fixed a different way. I will learn you something about two's complement: -a = not(a) + 1.

Proof (Take 4 bits signed precision):

  • 0 = b'0000 => -0 is not(b'0000)+1 = b'1111'+1 = b'0000'
  • 7 = b'0111 => -7 is not(b'0111)+1 = b'1000'+1 = b'1001'
  • -6 = b'1010' => 6 is not(b'1010)+1 = b'0101'+1 = b'0110'


So now I will solve your puzzle for you:

library IEEE;

entity subtractor_16bit is
    Port (
        a     : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
        b     : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
        sum   : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
        cout  : out STD_LOGIC;
        over  : out STD_LOGIC
end entity;

architecture structural of subtractor_16bit is
    fulladder_16bit_1: entity work.fulladder_16bit
        port map (
            a => a,
            b => not(b),
            sum => sum,
            cin => '1',
            cout => cout,
            over => over
end architecture;

You will still need to change/fix the cout and over behavior...

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