In some part of my code, I have used repmat for a very large vector

fi = repmat(vecO',1,400)-A;

vec is a 1 by 400 matrix and 'A' is a 3600 by 400 matrix. I think there should be a way less time-consuming than using repmat but I don't know what is the method. Does anyone have any idea?

2 Answers 2


Seems like your result (in your question fi) is supposed to contain the difference of vec0 with each column of A. This means that instead of using repmat to expand vec0 to the same size as A (by generating 400 replicates of it), you can apply an element-wise operation to two arrays with implicit expansion using bsxfun. Using this function will not make copies of vec0 but should achieve the same result. The first argument specifies the function to apply to the two arrays, here it is simply minus.

result = bsxfun(@minus, vec0.', A);
  • is it faster than using repmat? Oct 3, 2017 at 8:27
  • I'm not sure... worth checking
    – Adiel
    Oct 3, 2017 at 8:28
  • I added this as a test in my "answer"
    – Steve
    Oct 3, 2017 at 8:32
  • fi is a built-in function. So name it something else. The rest is fine Oct 3, 2017 at 8:51

Here is a template test to use, including mikkola's answer:

vec = rand(1,400);
A = rand(3600,400);
n_expts = 1000;
format long

% Warm up
for ii = 1:n_expts
    vec0 = repmat(vec,1,9);
    res1 = repmat(vec0',1,400)-A;
    res3 = bsxfun(@minus, vec0.', A);

for ii = 1:n_expts
    vec0 = repmat(vec, 1, 9);
    res1 = repmat(vec0.', 1, 400) - A;
fprintf('Time taken with 2 repmats: ')

for ii = 1:n_expts
    res2 = repmat(vec.', 9, 400) - A;
fprintf('Time taken with 1 repmat and transpose: ')

for ii = 1:n_expts
    res3 = bsxfun(@minus, vec0.', A);
fprintf('Time taken with bsxfun: ')

% Check that all the fi are the same
dres1 = max(max(abs(res1 - res2)));
dres2 = max(max(abs(res1 - res3)));
tol = eps;
if (dres1 > eps) | (dres2 > eps)
    fprintf('Difference in output matrices');

With results (R2014a)
Time taken with 2 repmats:    0.004027661867427

Time taken with 1 repmat and transpose:    0.004034170491803

Time taken with bsxfun:    0.003970521454027
  • Thanks. Very interesting that two calls to repmat are faster than one call with two dimensions expand.
    – Adiel
    Oct 3, 2017 at 8:59
  • @Adiel Yes, that was originally going to be my suggestion. In fact, it was originally repmat(vec, 400, 9)' - A, but that took about 3 times as long.
    – Steve
    Oct 3, 2017 at 9:05

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