I have the following object. This object gets assigned a new value when the user clicks on a button.

state = {
  title: '',
  id: '',
  imageId: '',
  boarding: {
    id: '',
    test: '',
    work: {
      title: '',
      id: ''

My updated object looks like:

state = {
  title: 'My img',
  id: '1234',
  imageId: '5678-232e',
  boarding: {
    id: '0980-erf2',
    title: 'hey there',
    work: {
      title: 'my work title',
      id: '456-rt3'

Now I want to update just work object inside state and keep everything the same. I was using Object.assign() when the object was not nested but confused for nesting.

Object.assign({}, state, { work: action.work });

My action.work has the entire work object but now I want to set that to boarding but this replaces everything that is in boarding which is not what I want.

4 Answers 4


You should manually merge deep object properties, try following:

Object.assign({}, state, { 
  boarding: Object.assign({}, state.boarding, {
    work: action.work

or with spread operator

  boarding: {
    work: action.work
  • could you please explain the role of spread operator in your example and how that is different from your first merge deep prop?
    – fscore
    Oct 16, 2017 at 2:05
  • 1
    @fscore I've just found very nice link on this topic, I believe you would like it!
    – dhilt
    Oct 16, 2017 at 2:08
  • @dhilt: the example with spread operator is a good one, but it should be assigned to state or to a constant or variable. The way how it's posted is causing an error and confusing it user would use it just as it is I would give the example such as: state = { ...state, boarding: { ...state.boarding, work: action.work } }
    – k.vincent
    Feb 12, 2020 at 11:15

If merging them manually as @dhilt suggested is not an option, take a look at lodash's merge.

You can use mergeWith if you want to customise the merge behaviour, e.g. merge arrays instead of overriding.


You can use Object.assign to update nested objects, for example:

Object.assign(state.boarding, { work: action.work })

This will update the state in place with the new work properties.

  • 1
    This will NOT return state, but state.boarding.
    – Jan Kalfus
    Oct 16, 2017 at 6:24
  • I didn't say it would return it, I said it would update state in place. Oct 18, 2017 at 11:10
  • Actually, I was wrong. This doesn't even compile in most cases. And even when it does, it has zero effect. Please read the docs: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… I'm sorry, but you should delete this answer as it's completely wrong. I'm going to downvote it otherwise.
    – Jan Kalfus
    Oct 18, 2017 at 14:52

> Use JavaScript spread operator:

{ ...user, staff_information: { nid: e.target.value }

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