I am working on a project where I have to extract frames from a video by using ffmpeg (node.js). I first upload video to firebase storage from my client, and then I want to process it in the backend server. However, ffmpeg only accept file as if it is stored locally.

const ff =new ffmpeg('C:/Users/alexh/Desktop/alex/name.avi');

It will not work with url. I am wondering is any way I can get file from url as if it is stored locally or firebase can provide me a way to get the file? I don't want to use filebase trigger event because I want to send http request to backend server.

Thank you so much

2 Answers 2


The fluent-ffmpeg package supports operating on readable streams instead of just files. The GCS Client library supports creating a readable stream for a GCS object. By combining these you can has ffmpeg operate directly from GCS.


If you were running this on Linux or OS X, you could use GCS Fuse to mount the bucket on your filesystem and then point FFmpeg directly to it.

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