So I have devise setup to perform registration. After registration the user is redirected to profiles#new however I can't attach profile to current_user id

Actually it doesn't work at all. Here is what I have in my profiles_controller.rb

# POST /profiles

def create @profile = current_user.Profile.new(params[:profile])

respond_to do |format|
  if @profile.save
    format.html { redirect_to(@profile, :notice => 'Profile was successfully created.') }
    format.html { render :action => "new" }


leading to undefined method `Profile' for #

2 Answers 2


So the User model has_one :profile ?

If so, you likely want:

@profile = current_user.profile.build(params[:profile])

Note that case ('profile' vs 'Profile') is important here.

  • Thanks. Unfortunately here is what happens undefined method `build' for nil:NilClass. It works when I do it in 2 steps. Any reason why? #@user = current_user #@profile = @user.create_profile(params[:profile]
    – Olivier
    Jan 15, 2011 at 19:54
  • Are you sure you have a has_one :profile (or belongs_to :profile ... depending on which has the foreign key) on the User model? Jan 15, 2011 at 20:06

I think that you should use

@profile = current_user.build_profile(params[:profile])

Check rails api here

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