I have 2 Views and 2 ViewModels:

First View:

public partial class FirstView : Page
    FirstViewModel ViewModel;
    public FirstView()
        ViewModel = new FirstViewModel();
        ViewModel.ShowSecondView.Subscribe(_ =>
            NavigationService.Navigate(new SecondView(ViewModel.ChildViewModel));

        this.DataContext = ViewModel;

First ViewModel:

public class FirstViewModel
    SecondViewModel ChildViewModel;
    public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> ShowSecondView { get; set; }
    public FirstViewModel()
        ChildViewModel = new SecondViewModel();
        ShowSecondView = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => 

Second View:

public partial class SecondView : Page
    SecondViewModel ViewModel;
    public SecondView(SecondViewModel viewModel)
        ViewModel = viewModel;
        ViewModel.GoBack.Subscribe(_ => 
            if(NavigationService != null)  NavigationService.GoBack();
        this.DataContext = ViewModel;

Second ViewModel:

public class SecondViewModel
    public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> GoBack { get; set; }
    public FirstViewModel()
        GoBack = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => { });          
    public void Reconfigure(...)
    { ... }

So, when I run FirstViewModel.ShowSecondView several times and run SecondViewModel.GoBack several times, DoSomethingHard() execute also several times on each created SecondView.

Why do I want create ChildViewModel in FilstViewModel once? Because creating of SecondViewModel takes long time. And I don't recreate every time SecondViewModel but only reconfigure it.

My question is how can I unsubscribe ViewModel.GoBack.Subscribe in SecondView?

P.S. Maybe I should not recreate SecondView in FirstView but reconfigure it as well as SecondViewModel?

UPDATE 1 (thanks to Julien Mialon)

I add IDisposable goBackSubscr and it works! Am I right to implement it?

public partial class SecondView : Page
    SecondViewModel ViewModel;
    IDisposable goBackSubscr;
    public SecondView(SecondViewModel viewModel)
        ViewModel = viewModel;
        goBackSubscr = ViewModel.GoBack.Subscribe(_ => 
            if(NavigationService != null)  NavigationService.GoBack();
        this.DataContext = ViewModel;

5 Answers 5


use WhenAcitvated on your view: in constructor of your page (it has to be IViewFor):

     disposables =>
  • I read about IViewFor, but I don't understand it (absolutely)
    – Andrew K
    Dec 6, 2017 at 13:16

The subscribe method return an IDisposable, you should store it and dispose it when you want to unsubscribe.

  • I added UPDATE1 to question
    – Andrew K
    Dec 6, 2017 at 13:42

Thanks to @Krzysztof Skowronek

I once again read about IViewFor and resolve my problem

public partial class SecondView : Page, IViewFor<SecondViewModel>
    public SecondViewModel ViewModel { get; set; }
    object IViewFor.ViewModel { get => ViewModel; set { ViewModel = (SecondViewModel)value; } }
    public SecondView(SecondViewModel viewModel)
        ViewModel = viewModel;
        this.WhenActivated(disposables =>
            ViewModel.GoBack.Subscribe(_ =>
                    if (NavigationService != null) NavigationService.GoBack();

            this.WhenAnyValue(p => p.ViewModel)
                .BindTo(this, x => x.DataContext)

I think I know what you are trying to do. If I am right, you are trying to create a Wizard of some sort or something that displays one view model that can move to the next, and then that can move prior? If that sis the case then maybe you want to re-think how you are doing it. For example, Why not manage the back and forth buttons in a view model that houses the two view models and have the child view models only create once when they are first required. Then, your navigation buttons can determine which view models are currently on and be enabled depending upon the logic. In a Wizard type scenario, consider basing your child view models on a Base view model that may have a property or method called something like CanMoveNext() and CanMovePrior(). Internally, this can return true if it is ready. Much easier.

  • No? it's not wizard. It's one-window-app with page navigation. For example, FirstViewModel is list of items and SecondViewModel is item's editor
    – Andrew K
    Dec 6, 2017 at 13:36

I would also recommend to enable and disable the commands with the activations and deactivations of the ViewModel.

Using a small helper:

    public static class DisabledCommand
        public static readonly ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> Instance
            = ReactiveCommand.Create<Unit, Unit>(_ => Unit.Default, Observable.Return(false));

You can do it like this:

public sealed class MyViewModel : ReactiveObject, IActivateableViewModel

    public MyViewModel()
        this.WhenActivated(d =>
            // Observable that returns boolean to define if button is enabled
            // ie. Observable.Create() or this.WhenAnyValue(...)
            var canDoSomething = ...;

            // enable command when VM gets activated
            DoSomething = ReactiveCommand.Create<Unit, Unit>(_ => Unit.Default, canDoSomething);

            // disable command when VM gets disabled
            Disposable.Create(() => DoSomething = DisabledCommand.Instance).DisposeWith(d);

                .Select(_ => this) // select ViewModel
                .Do(vm =>
                    // ...

    [Reactive] public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> DoSomething { get; set; } = DisabledCommand.Instance;
    public ViewModelActivator Activator { get; } = new ViewModelActivator();

Then in your view:

public partial class MyView : Page, IViewFor<MyViewModel>
    public MyView()

        this.WhenActivated(d =>
            if(ViewModel == null) return;

            IDisposable current = Disposable.Empty;
            ViewModel.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.DoSomething)
                .Select(_ => ViewModel)
                .Subscribe(vm => 
                    current = vm.DoSomething
                        .Select(_ => vm)
                        .Do(vm_ =>
                            // do something on the UI

              Disposable.Create(() => current.Dispose()).DisposeWith(d);

    object IViewFor.ViewModel
        get => ViewModel;
        set => ViewModel = value as MyViewModel;

    public MyViewModel ViewModel
        get => DataContext as MyViewModel;
        set => DataContext = value;

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