I have two ArrayList with JSONObject in it, I need to compare both and find distinct items from it, so far here is my code some reason output what I receive is incorrect.

public static void main(String args[]){

    JSONObject obj1= new JSONObject();
    obj1.put("id", "1DDX");
    obj1.put("crx", "some random string");
    JSONObject obj3= new JSONObject();
    obj3.put("id", "2DDX");
    obj3.put("BMX", "some random data");
    JSONObject obj2= new JSONObject();
    obj2.put("id", "1DDX");
    obj2.put("crx", "some more random string");

    List<JSONObject> list1= new ArrayList<JSONObject>();
    List<JSONObject> list2= new ArrayList<JSONObject>();

    List<JSONObject> listcom=list2.stream().filter(json-> list1.contains(json.get("id"))).collect(Collectors.toList());


The output for equal and not equal comparison
The output for 
List<JSONObject> listcom=list2.stream().filter(!json-> list1.contains(json.get("id"))).collect(Collectors.toList());
[{"crx":"some more random string","id":"1DDX"}, {"crx":"some more random string","id":"1DDX"}]

The output what I am looking for is 
{"BMX":"some random data","id":"2DDX"}
  • so what's the question here?
    – Ousmane D.
    Dec 16, 2017 at 15:51
  • I meant to say is that the output is not correct, I am looking for distinct JSONObject from list2 after comparing both Dec 16, 2017 at 15:55

1 Answer 1


If you are looking to get the distinct JSONObjects from both lists using the java streaming API, you can concatenate the streams from both lists into a single stream, then use the distinct method on it. Try this:

JSONObject obj1= new JSONObject();
obj1.put("id", "1DDX");
obj1.put("crx", "some random string");
JSONObject obj3= new JSONObject();
obj3.put("id", "2DDX");
obj3.put("BMX", "some random data");
JSONObject obj2= new JSONObject();
obj2.put("id", "1DDX");
obj2.put("crx", "some more random string");

List<JSONObject> list1= new ArrayList<JSONObject>();
List<JSONObject> list2= new ArrayList<JSONObject>();

Stream<JSONObject> jsonStream = Stream.concat(list1.stream(), list2.stream);

List<JSONObject> listcom= jsonStream.distinct().collect(Collectors.toList());



If you are trying to retrieve one value from list1 if it corresponds to a value in list2 you have to map to that value. Try this:

List<JSONObject> listcom=list2.stream().filter(json-> list1.contains(json.get("id"))).map(json-> list1.get(json.get("id"))).distinct().collect(Collectors.toList()); 
  • Dean, for distinct that works, however what I am looking for is,only an items that is not in list2, basically I need to compare only the id part not the content part. : such that {"BMX":"some random data","id":"2DDX"} Dec 16, 2017 at 16:16
  • in that case you have to map to the result in list one:
    – Dean
    Dec 16, 2017 at 16:18
  • First of all when I filter list2 with list1.contain(json.get("id") it returns a empty array[]. Also the second part of map is returning a compiler error Type mismatch: cannot convert from Stream<Object> to <unknown> Dec 16, 2017 at 17:17

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