I'm looking for the equivalent of R's mutate, which allows you to reference defined variables immediately after creating them within the same mutate call.

new_df <- old_df %>%
    mutate(new_col = ifelse(something, 0, 1),
           newer_col = ifelse(new_col == 0, 'yay', 'nay'))

Looking for the equivalent in python pandas.

if I create the following dataframe, I was wondering if there is a way to use .assign to do the same thing?

dic = {'names': ['jeff', 'alice', 'steph', 'john'],
       'numbers':[4, 6, 5, 7]}

df = pd.DataFrame(dic)

df = df.assign(less_than_6 = np.where(df.numbers < 6, 100, 0),
               pass_fail = np.where(df.less_than_6 == 100, 'pass', 'fail'))

The alternative I can think of is..

df['less_than_6'] = np.where(df.numbers < 6, 100, 0)
df['pass_fail'] = np.where(df.less_than_6 == 100, 'pass', 'fail')

but was wondering if there is a way to do it in the same call?

  • doesn't work. I get the same 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'less_than_6' as I got before. thank you for the try though!
    – Matt W.
    Dec 18, 2017 at 1:59
  • Add it as an answer
    – BENY
    Dec 18, 2017 at 2:11

1 Answer 1


Using dict in assign

df.assign(**{'less_than_6' :lambda x : np.where(x['numbers'] < 6, 100, 0)}).assign(**{'pass_fail':lambda x : np.where(x['less_than_6'] == 100, 'pass', 'fail')})                                                            
   names  numbers  less_than_6 pass_fail
0   jeff        4          100      pass
1  alice        6            0      fail
2  steph        5          100      pass
3   john        7            0      fail

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