I started object-oriented programming in python and in my program, I decided to store class instances in array, but I don't know how to access class variables now.

class apixel(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.posx = random.randint(0, 300)
        self.posy = random.randint(0, 200)
    def do_i_exist():
        print("Yes i do!")

p = [apixel] * 10

for obj in p:
    obj.do_i_exist() #that works
    print(obj.posx)  #but that does not work
  • 1
    Your code only "works" because you incorrectly omitted the self argument to the do_i_exist method. Dec 31, 2017 at 22:52

1 Answer 1


The issue is that you need to actually instantiate the objects, otherwise __init__ is never called.


p = [apixel() for _ in range(10)]

Per Craig's comment below, the list comprehension calls the constructor 10 times so you get 10 independent objects.

But, the reason your apixel didn't have a self.posx is that the constructor was never called by your code. You weren't creating a list of instances of your class, but rather a list of references to the class definition.

Per DanielPryden's comment on your OP, you should either change the signature of your do_i_exist method to accept self, or annotate it as static:

# as an instance method, which requires "self":

# as a static class method that is the same for all instances:
   ... method body contains NO references to "self"
  • 1
    This will create 10 copies of one object. The OP probably wants a list comprehension like p = [apixel() for _ in range(10)] to get 10 independent objects.
    – Craig
    Dec 31, 2017 at 22:32

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