I'm trying to monitor a logs file latest entry and then pass the output to a variable so I can then do other stuff, for this example I'm just going to pop a message in the console.

$fail = Get-Content 'C:\ProgramData\Software\APP.LOG' -Tail 0 -Wait | Select-String 'Error Alert Entry'
if ($fail -contains 'Error Alert Entry'){Write-Host "Warning Will Robinson!"}

I've tested the Get-Content command on its own and this does Tail the output of the log file without issue but when set as Variable I do not get anything.

I've also tested the latter portion and this works when I manually define the $fail Variable using something like this:

$fail = 'Error Alert Entry'

It appears that the Variable does not like being populated by actively Tailing a log file. I would appreciate if someone could provide some guidance on how to overcome this issue.

1 Answer 1


Sometimes you have to check your assumptions with PS. Try this:


and then this:


and now this:


What you thought was an array of String is actually an array of MatchInfo returned by Select-String. You should be able to get what you want by digging the Value out of the MatchInfo objects:

$fail.matches.value -contains 'Error Alert Entry'

Or you can dig the value out in the first line:

$fail = (Get-Content 'C:\ProgramData\Software\APP.LOG' -Tail 0 -Wait | Select-String 'Error Alert Entry').Matches.Value

I have to admit, Get-Content -Tail 0 -Wait doesn't seem to work in my environment. That command seems to hang indefinitely despite making changes to the file.


Okay, I think I understand now. Get-Content -Tail 0 -Wait never exits, so it never finishes piping its output to Select-String and never allows $fail to receive the data.

One solution might be to wrap your Get-Content -Tail 0 -Wait in a job and loop a Receive-Job call to execute your Write-Host 'Warning Will Robinson!'

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