I am in process to migrate some Struts1 code to Struts2 and confused about migration of below tags.


<logic: notEmpty name="newsListForm" property="generalNews.list">
    <logic:iterate id="generalNews"
            if(rowCount.longValue() % 2 == 0){
             bgcolor = "#FFFFF";
             bgcolor = "#EEEEE";
     </logic: iterate>
    </logic: notEmpty>

I have migrated above code as:


<s:if test="(newsListBean.generalNews.list != null)">
 <s:iterator id="generalNews"
    <s:if test="#incrementer.even==true">
<% pageContext.setAttribute("bgcolor","#FFFFFF")%>
<% pageContext.setAttribute("bgcolor","#EEEEEE")%>

Is it a correct way to migrate these iterate & <logic:notEmpty> tags?

2 Answers 2


No, it's not correct. The original code use tags and scriptlet code to generate some text which is probably a JavaScript code.

But converted code doesn't do it. Instead it is used to set a page context attribute.

  • can you tell me the equivalent Struts2 code or some guidelines how it's done?
    – TechyGuy
    Feb 6, 2018 at 18:38
  • Thanks! What happens to DTO object given in "type" in S1 code. Don't we need it in S2?
    – TechyGuy
    Feb 7, 2018 at 6:48
  • @AbN It's not clear what you're asking; the type of the object is irrelevant. Feb 7, 2018 at 14:17
  • @DaveNewton I meant "type" attribute of the <logic:iterate> tag from Struts1. I am aware that S2 <iterator> tag does not have type attribute but what happens to DTO class then?
    – TechyGuy
    Feb 7, 2018 at 16:05
  • @AbN What "happens" to it? Nothing. OGNL, like standard JSP EL, relies on JavaBean naming conventions. Type is irrelevant. Feb 7, 2018 at 16:07

Somewhat off-topic, but related: there's a way, way cleaner way to do this by using proper CSS.

First have classes for the row colors: this is something you should have anyway rather than wedging presentation definitions into JSP code:

  .row-0 { bgcolor: #ffffff }
  .row-1 { bgcolor: #eeeeee }

Then use those to construct classnames for whatever it is you need (here, likely <td>s):

<s:iterator id="generalNews" values="generalNews.list" status="stat">
  <tr class="row-${stat.count % 2}">
    <!-- ... Table row content ... -->

(Roughly; this is from memory.)

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