I'm currently working on a C++ project and part of it is to traverse the binary tree using inorder, preorder, and postorder.

class TNode
  int val;
  TNode() {}
  TNode(int v) { val = v; }
  TNode * left;
  TNode * right;
  TNode * parent;

class BTree
  void print_pre_order(TNode *r);// print the node as you traverse according to the order.
  void print_in_order();
  void print_post_order();

  root = new TNode(1);
  root->parent = 0;
  root->left = new TNode(2);
  root->right = new TNode(3);
  root->left->left = new TNode(4);
  root->left->right = new TNode (5);
  root->right->left = new TNode(6);
void BTree::print_pre_order(TNode *r)
  if (r == 0)
  cout << r->val;

int main()
  BTree y;
  return 0;

In my default constructor, I've initialized values for some nodes, but when I run the code, the output I'm getting is "124" and gets an error. I don't know where I did wrong, can someone help?

  • Define BTree member variable root and initialize in BTree() contructor, populate Btree with nodes before traversal. Program is very incomplete.
    – seccpur
    Mar 30, 2018 at 3:43
  • What is the error?
    – smac89
    Mar 30, 2018 at 3:46
  • Since I'm using Visual Studio, it only says "the program has stoped working" @smac89
    – abc-cba
    Mar 30, 2018 at 3:52
  • 1
    Amazing you got that far. class BTree doesn't seem to have a BTree::BTree() or any of the used member variables. Mar 30, 2018 at 3:53
  • 1
    Edit your question to include a minimal reproducible example.
    – Sid S
    Mar 30, 2018 at 3:56

1 Answer 1


I see no signs that the program ever sets any any pointers to zero, so if (r == 0) is unlikely to ever trigger an exit.

Give this a try:

class TNode
  int val;
  TNode(): val(0), left(nullptr), right(nullptr), parent(nullptr) {}
  TNode(int v): val(v), left(nullptr), right(nullptr), parent(nullptr) {}
  TNode * left;
  TNode * right;
  TNode * parent;

The : tells the compiler that a member initializer list is coming. After that the code initializes all of the pointer members to point at null.

Change the

if (r == 0)


if (r == nullptr)

to better convey intent and you should be good to go.

  • I really appreciate your help! The code is working ! Thanks again. @user4581301
    – abc-cba
    Mar 30, 2018 at 4:23

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