I am having trouble adjusting the dimensions of my figure in R markdown so that the outputted knitr figure fits to the page on a word document (my figure is too wide, so it gets cut off).

I've tried playing around with the height and width and even using a reference_docx where I adjusted the margins, but nothing seems to work. I think changing the fig_width and fig_height did absolutely nothing to the output. I literally tried setting both width and height to 0, and the same figures show up.

  fig_width: 12
  fig_height: 5
  reference_docx: margins.docx

I can't provide a reproducible example, but does anyone know what other knitr options I can play around with to adjust my figure dimensions/aspect ratio?

  • does indenting by two additional spaces the fig_width and fig_height values help?
    – Fred Boehm
    Apr 2, 2018 at 2:37

1 Answer 1


Using yaml header:

    fig_width: 2
    fig_height: 5

where I position fig_height and fig_width to start beneath the r in word_document, worked for me. If you align your yaml header like this, do you get what you want?

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