I'm experimenting with JSF scopes, and have some issues when using a session scoped bean within a request scoped bean.

The basic workflow is that the user would click a View button on an item from the home page, which then calls my code to load & display that item's information.

Here's my UPDATED code:

class ItemViewBean {
    private ItemBean itemBean;

    private ItemViewObject itemViewObject;
    private int itemId;

    public void init() {
         itemViewObject = itemBean.readItem(itemId);

    public String readItem(int itemId) {
     //     itemViewObject = itemBean.readItem(itemId);  // moved to init();
          return "/pages/viewItem.xhtml?faces-redirect=true";

    public ItemViewObject getItemViewObject() {
          return itemViewObject;

    // getters & setters as needed


class ItemBean {
    public ItemViewObject readItem(int itemId) {
        // hardcoded creating a ItemViewObject for now.
        // eventually would be loaded from the database.

My UPDATED view page then has things like:

<!-- added the metadata -->
    <f:viewParam name="id" value="#{itemViewBean.itemId}" />
    <f:event listener="#{itemViewBean.init}" type="preRenderView" />

<!-- same as before -->
<h:outputText value="#{itemViewBean.itemViewObject.description}" />

If my viewBean is request scoped (or view scoped), I get empty data on the view page. If the viewBean is session scoped, things work. And I'm not understanding why?

From what I see in my debugger, readItem(itemId) is called (from the home page when clicking a view button), but when the view page itself calls the getItemViewObject(), the itemViewObject is null.

What am I doing wrong?

UPDATE I forgot to mention earlier how my home page was calling readItem method, and that was through a command button:

<h:commandButton class="btn btn-mini firefoxBtnMiniCorrection"

Each item listed in the home page has its own View button.

Also forgot to mention that both the home page and my view page are using JSF Templates. I don't know if that matters.

From the comments below which people have made, I came up with the code changes above. And things work now. Using either request scope or view scope with ItemViewBean works now.

And I am surprised this worked! I'm not quite certain I fully understand why it works.

Are my changes the correct way to do things? Or is there a better way?

Also, I'm using JSF 2.1.

Update 2 It doesn't work. The scoping works, but I discovered that the itemId in the viewParam is always null. Why?

  • I personally don't like this kind of flow. Why do you really need to have this kind of data in session? If you're going to display it for a specific view, just load it in the @ViewScoped bean. The method which loads the initial data for the view should be called through a f:viewAction binding, this ensures it is called only once, thus not making unecessary calls to the DB.
    – Aritz
    Apr 29, 2018 at 16:19
  • @XtremeBiker Thanks. Based on the post you sited, plus looking at an article from BalusC, I updated the code above. And things work. Is there any other way, or better way, to do this? Thanks again!
    – Chris
    Apr 30, 2018 at 15:50
  • this was the article from @BalusC I was looking at.
    – Chris
    Apr 30, 2018 at 15:55

1 Answer 1


itemViewObject is private in a RequestScoped bean. After readItem() got a value for itemViewObject, this value will be forgotten after this request and will be null at the next request (`@RequestScoped').

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