I have followed instruction from blogdown to get a GitHub static blog using markdown. However, a particular theme is not playing nice with it. The following MWE results in a unthemed blog:


Then editing the config.toml file to reflect my github.io domain.


cd public
git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/lf-araujo/lf-araujo.github.io

Unfortunately these steps causes the creation of an unthemed website, see here. I suspect it has to do with the custom theme.

  • Does anyone suggest a way of debugging this error?

P.S.: blogdown::serve_site() generates a correctly themed preview.

1 Answer 1


Judging from your HTML output files (e.g. index.html), you misconfigured your baseURL in config.toml. It should be https://lf-araujo.github.io/ instead of http://github.com/lf-araujo.github.io. The baseURL option is documented in Section 2.2 of the blogdown book.

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