
For example:

300 "FTPAT1  2   " 301 "CHURCH  2   " "01" "Open"   "Line"     
300 "CHURCH  2   " 301 "GREENL1 1   " "01" "Open"   "Line"      
400 "FTPAT1  2   " 401 "CHURCH  2   " "01" "Closed" "Line"     
400 "CHURCH  2   " 401 "GREENL1 1   " "01" "Closed" "Line"    

I want to change the 300-301, "open" to "Closed", and change the 400-401, "closed" to "Open".

So far, what I am doing is:

file = open('testfile.txt', 'r'):
for line in file: 
    print line,

Please help me! Thank you so much.

  • Can you post your expected output?
    – Rakesh
    May 21, 2018 at 16:54

1 Answer 1


You can use re.sub:

import re
with open('filename.txt') as f:
   with open('new_filename.txt', 'w') as f1:
     f1.write(re.sub('Open|Closed', '{}', f.read()).format(*['Open' if i == 'Closed' else 'Closed' for i in re.findall('Open|Closed', f.read())]))


300 "FTPAT1 2 " 301 "CHURCH 2 " "01" "Closed" "Line"
300 "CHURCH 2 " 301 "GREENL1 1 " "01" "Closed" "Line"
400 "FTPAT1 2 " 401 "CHURCH 2 " "01" "Open" "Line"
400 "CHURCH 2 " 401 "GREENL1 1 " "01" "Open" "Line"

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