When I am running a Model Mapping, one company has a lot of members, like 405,000 members.

viewModel.EmployeeCount = company.MembershipUser.Count(x => x.Deleted == false);

When I run the SQL query, it takes a few milliseconds. In ASP.NET MVC, EF6 C# this can take up to 10 minutes for one list view controller hit. Thoughts?

Company is my Domain Model Entity, and MembershipUser is a public virtual virtual (FK) using entity framework 6, not C#6

When I'm in my CompanyController (MVC) and I ask for a company list, I get a list without the company count included. When I do a viewModelMapping to my Model to prep to pass to the view, I need to add the count, and do not have access to the context or DB, etc.

            // Redisplay list of companies
            var viewModel = CrmViewModelMapping.CompanyListToCompanyViewModel(pagedCompanyList);

CompanyListToCompanyViewModel maps the list of companies to the list of my ViewModel and does the count (MembershipUsers) there.

I also tried adding the count property to the company DomainModel such as:

public int EmployeeCount
            // return MembershipUser.Where(x => x.Deleted == false).Count();
            return MembershipUser.Count(x => x.Deleted == false);

But it also takes a long time on companies with a lot of Employees.

It's almost like I want this to be my SQL Query:

Select *, (SELECT count(EmployeeID) as Count WHERE Employee.CompanyID = CompanyID) as employeeCount from Company

But early on I just assumed I could let EF lazy loading and subQueries do the work. but the overhead on large counts is killing me. On small datasets I see no real difference, but once the counts get large my site is unsusable.

  • What's company? Also, try to log what query is getting executed on the server. Notice that ASP.NET MVC 6 does not exist nor it will ever. May 26, 2018 at 19:15
  • 4
    See what SQL is actually being issued. Perhaps, since this is a navigation property, and not a DbSet, all the users for the company is loaded from the server, and then counted in your application? Try what happens if you go to the DbSet for MemberUser and do a Count(x => x.CompanyId == company.Id && x.Deleted == false).
    – gnud
    May 26, 2018 at 19:29
  • When I run the SQL query => The one generated by EF? May 26, 2018 at 19:31
  • What is the type of MembershipUser property?
    – Evk
    May 26, 2018 at 20:41
  • MembershipUser is fk connected Domain Model Entity, MembershipUser has a company_companyID key
    – ransems
    May 27, 2018 at 11:53

1 Answer 1


When you are accessing the navigation property and using the count method, you are materializing all the MembershipUser table and doing the filter in C#.

There are three operations in this command: The C# go to the database and execute the query, transform the query result in C# object list (materialize) and execute the filter (x => x.Deleted == false) in this list.

To solve this problem you can do the filter in the MembershipUser DbSet:

Db.MembershipUser.Count(x => x.Deleted == false && companyId == company.Id);

Doing the query using the DbSet, the filter will be done in database without materialize all 405000 rows.

  • This make a lot of sense. And I see why this query goes off and does some work and comes back 10 minutes later. But I am not sure how to implement in code. When I'm on my controller (MVC) and I ask for a company list, I get a list without the company count included. When I do a viewModelMapping to my Model to prep to pass to the view, I need to add the count, and do not have access to the context or DB, etc.
    – ransems
    May 27, 2018 at 12:06
  • @ransems, isn't the adding the context or db only a matter of including a namespace to the scope?
    – user4649737
    May 27, 2018 at 12:24
  • It's so far abstracted when I'm passing data from controller, using an IOC container, then passing to a viewModelMapping function which has no idea about db's or connections's or db's connections
    – ransems
    May 27, 2018 at 12:27
  • It's almost Like i need my CompanyService (which does the db queries) to return the full company entity and have the counts of employees already included in the SQL query.
    – ransems
    May 27, 2018 at 12:32
  • Maybe I can loop through each company at the CompanyService (my db access service) and 'add' a count, at least it only has to go to the db 25 (max page size) or so more times separately to get the count - but the count would be executed by SQL and not needing to materialize the 405000 entities connected.
    – ransems
    May 27, 2018 at 12:39

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