When creating conda virtual environment with YAML file for the first time, I unknowingly ran:

conda env update -f environment.yml
call activate process_name

which successfully created a venv in: C:\Users\userName\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\envs.

Should I have ran the following instead?

conda env create -f environment.yml
call activate process_name

Does conda env update create a new venv if no existing venv is found in the anaconda envs directory?

How stable is conda env update in defaulting to creating a new venv if no existing venv is found?

2 Answers 2


Both should work to create the new venv if such an environment doesn't exists. You can easily try this with a sample environment.yml

Create the following environment.yml file in a directory of your choice:

name: testenv123
  - python
  - pytorch

and then run this:

conda env update
activate testenv123

Does conda env update create a new venv if no existing venv is found in the anaconda envs directory?


How stable is conda env update in defaulting to creating a new venv if no existing venv is found?

I could not find any documentation stating that it will create a new environment if the environment does not already exist. Therefore I think that there are no guarantees about this behavior staying the same in the future.

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