I'm making a search page where I have a couple of filters on the side and I'm trying to integrate them with Searchkick to query products.

These are my scopes I'm using for the products


scope :in_price_range, ->(range) { where("price <= ?", range.first) }    
scope :in_ratings_range, -> (range) { where("average_rating >= ?", range.first) }

def self.with_all_categories(category_ids)
    where("categories.id" => category_ids)

This is where I'm actually calling the scopes


@results = Product.search(@query)
@results = @results.with_all_categories(params[:category_ids]) if params[:category_ids].present?
@results = @results.in_price_range(params[:price]) if params[:price].present?
@results = @results.in_ratings_range(params[:rating]) if params[:rating].present?

After running it, I get an error saying the searchkick model doesn't have any methods with the name of my scope.

undefined method `with_all_categories' for #Searchkick::Results:0x00007f4521074c30>

How do I use scopes with my search query?

  • range argument in your scopes in_price_range and in_ratings_range is not being used properly. If you use only range.first in your query, then why passing a whole range? Jul 3, 2018 at 18:34
  • Can you show the exact error message? Jul 3, 2018 at 18:35
  • The code is currently like that because I'm planning on changing it into an actual range in the future, but for now I'm trying to get it to work Jul 4, 2018 at 12:59
  • I'm getting this error message: undefined method `with_all_categories' for #<Searchkick::Results:0x00007f4521074c30> @JagdeepSingh Jul 4, 2018 at 12:59

2 Answers 2


You can apply scopes to Searchkick results with:

Product.search "milk", scope_results: ->(r) { in_price_range(params[:price]) }

See "Run additional scopes on results" in the readme.

However, if you apply ActiveRecord where filters, it will throw off pagination. For pagination to work correctly, you need to use Searchkick's where option:

Product.search(query, where: {price_range: 10..20})
  • 1
    Is there a way to get Searchkick's pagination to play nicely with ActiveRecord's where? I have a custom scope that uses joins etc that would be a hassle to reconstruct... Jul 11, 2022 at 17:51

The error (unknown to me at the time of writing this answer) might be because you defined with_all_categories as a class method on Product, but in your controller you call it on @results which must be an ActiveRecord::Relation.

Turning it into a scope should fix the issue:

Change this:

def self.with_all_categories(category_ids)
    where("categories.id" => category_ids)


scope :with_all_categories, -> (category_ids) { select(:id).distinct.joins(:categories).where("categories.id" => category_ids) }
  • I'm also getting the same error with my other scopes though Jul 4, 2018 at 13:00

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