I'm trying to get search queries for my site.

import argparse
import sys
from googleapiclient import sample_tools

def execute_request(service, property_uri, request):
    """Executes a searchAnalytics.query request.

      service: The webmasters service to use when executing the query.
      property_uri: The site or app URI to request data for.
      request: The request to be executed.

      An array of response rows.
    return service.searchanalytics().query(
        siteUrl=property_uri, body=request).execute()

# Declare command-line flags.
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
argparser.add_argument('property_uri', type=str,
                       help=('Site or app URI to query data for (including '
                             'trailing slash).'))
argparser.add_argument('start_date', type=str,
                       help=('Start date of the requested date range in '
                             'YYYY-MM-DD format.'))
argparser.add_argument('end_date', type=str,
                       help=('End date of the requested date range in '
                             'YYYY-MM-DD format.'))

service, flags = sample_tools.init(
    sys.argv, 'webmasters', 'v3', __doc__, 'client_secrets.json', parents=[argparser],

# First run a query to learn which dates we have data for. You should always
# check which days in a date range have data before running your main query.
# This query shows data for the entire range, grouped and sorted by day,
# descending; any days without data will be missing from the results.
request = {
    'startDate': flags.start_date,
    'endDate': flags.end_date,
    'dimensions': ['date']
response = execute_request(service, flags.property_uri, request)

When I run the program:

python googleapisearch.py property_uri=http://enquetemaken.be/ start_date=2018-06-12 end_date=2018-06-13

I get the following error:

googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: https://www.googleapis.com/webmasters/v3/sites/property_uri%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fenquetemaken.be%2F/searchAnalytics/query?alt=json returned "'property_uri=http://enquetemaken.be/' is not a valid Search Console site URL.">

I can not understand what's wrong.

In the dashboard, my url is exactly the same as I enter: enter image description here

What am I doing wrong?

1 Answer 1


Correctly run the program as follows:

python googleapisearch.py 'http://enquetemaken.be/' '2018-06-12' '2018-06-13'

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