I am new to react native trying to use @providesModule but no success the following is my code colors.js

* @providesModule Colors
const colors = {
   colorPrimary : '#6a1b9a',
   colorPrimaryLight: '#9c4dcc',
 export default colors;

I am trying to use the Colors Module in login.js file like

import Colors from 'Colors'


error: bundling failed: Error: Unable to resolve module Colors from /Volumes/Acube Data/Anns/Projects/ReactNativeProjects/ColDot/src/components/UserAuth/Login.js: Module Colors does not exist in the Haste module map

  • Have you configured the babel and installed all the necessary dependencies? Jul 11, 2018 at 7:28
  • Noi didnt configure babel can u please let me know the dependencies for that
    – Anns Rahim
    Jul 11, 2018 at 8:47

2 Answers 2


Babel-Cli :

npm install --g babel-cli


npm install --save babel babel-plugin-module-alias

.babelrc in root directory:

  "plugins": [[
    "module-alias", [
      { "src": "./app", "expose": "app" },
      { "src": "./app/resources/icon", "expose": "icon" }


Clear cache :

npm start -- --reset-cache

Here is a link you can check for example of that : alias in react native


They don't work because provideModule overall has been removed as a functionality. Removed last traces of @providesModule from React Native


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