I have vuex a store abc.js:

import Vue from 'vue';

const state = {
  recordType: null

const getters = {

  recordType: state => state.recordType,

.... other code

The I have other vuex store xyz.js:

import { API } from '@/api';
import Vue from 'vue';

const state = {
  messages: null

const getters = {
  messages: state => state.messages || [],

const actions = {
  async openRecord({ dispatch, rootState, commit, state }, record) {

    // api data
    const response = await API.post('api/openrecord/', {
      recordUid: record.recordUid,

      //**** HELP !!! HERE ****//
      recordType: // *** HERE I need to get the recordType getter from abc.js




So on xyz.js store I need to get the recordType value from abc.js


1 Answer 1


You can use the rootGetters property, along with specifying namespace :


In your case, it gives :

const actions = {
  async openRecord({ dispatch, rootGetters, commit, state }, record) {
    // api data
    const response = await API.post('api/openrecord/', {
      recordUid: record.recordUid,
      recordType: rootGetters['abc/recordType']

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