I've modified a Linux kernel sound driver to use a new virtual address instead of a physical address when receiving data. When the driver is called on, it reports that the data is 0. I'm looking for any input or feedback on what I may be missing in my process and implementation. If my descriptions below are too vague to give proper feedback, I am happy to expand and provide more details.

I have a physical register at address 0xc0056014. The hardware register is readable and is correctly initialized in the device tree and Linux kernel(4.4.71). The register holds audio data input from a microphone.

The bits in the physical register are not mapped correctly for playback. This causes audio playback to be filled with white-noise and hissing. I've made a user-space program that will take a raw audio sample and remap the data bits to new raw/wav sample where playback quality is as expected.

My goal is to have this data remapping done in the kernel space. Example data in physical register: 0x4000f965 Example data remapped : 0xf9654000

In the kernel sound driver written for the hardware's audio interface, I've done the following:

  1. Initialized a new virtual address with vzalloc(data_size)
  2. Started a thread.
  3. In thread, mapped physical register with __iomem *regs = ioremap(0xc0056014, 4);
  4. Read the register values into temp buffers & remap the 32bits.
  5. Write remap value to virtual address with memcpy(dst_addr, src_addr, data_size);
  6. Lastly, outside of thread where driver was setting address of physical register, I changed to the virtual address. dma->peri_addr = dst_addr;

I'm able to do kernel prints that read the values in my virtual address. The kernel prints show correct values in virtual address, but when calling on the kernel sound driver by use of alsa recording tools, the audio data is being reported as 0.

The kernel reports no errors or warnings and I'm a little stumped at what I'm missing or what to do next. Any pointers, tips, feedback, or questions is welcome! Cheers.

Driver setting address:

    if (phy_base == 0xC0056000 && dma == &par->capt)
        void *p;
        size_t data_size;
        data_size = sizeof(unsigned long);  
        p = vzalloc(data_size);
        void *dst_addr = (void *)(p);
        printk(KERN_INFO "Virtual Address is : 0x%p\n", p);

        char our_thread[8]="thread1";
        thread1 = kthread_create(thread_fn,dst_addr,our_thread);

            printk(KERN_INFO "Hit thread1");
        dma->peri_addr = dst_addr;
        printk(KERN_INFO "snd i2s1: %s dma peri addr is 0x%p and virtual addr is 0x%p\n", STREAM_STR(i), (void *)dma->peri_addr, p);


    int thread_fn(void *dst_addr) {
        printk(KERN_INFO "Hit inside thread1\n");

        size_t data_size;
        data_size = sizeof(unsigned long);  

        int k = 0;

        while (1) {

            //printk(KERN_INFO "Virtual Address is : 0x%p\n", p);

            unsigned long read_result;
            void __iomem *regs = ioremap(0xc0056014, 4);    

            read_result = *((unsigned long *) regs);    

            uint32_t sample = read_result;
            uint32_t sample1, sample1buf1, sample1buf2, sample1buf3, sample1buf4;

            sample1buf1 = (sample >> (8*0)) & 0xff; 
            sample1buf2 = (sample >> (8*1)) & 0xff;  
            sample1buf3 = (sample >> (8*2)) & 0xff;         
            sample1buf4 = (sample >> (8*3)) & 0xff;     

            /* Shift bytes from s16le format bit order to s32le format bit order
             [  L   |   R  ]    [          L]
             [  L   |   R  ]    [          R]
                 MSB     MSB              MSB
             [99 f9 | 00 40] -> [00 40 99 f9]
             [cf f9 | 00 40] -> [00 40 cf f9]
             [12 34 | 56 78] -> [56 78 12 34]
            sample1buf1 = sample1buf1 << 16;
            sample1buf2 = sample1buf2 << 24;
            sample1buf4 = sample1buf4 << 8;     

            sample1 = sample1 & 0x00000000;
            sample1 = sample1 | sample1buf3;
            sample1 = sample1 | sample1buf4;
            sample1 = sample1 | sample1buf1;
            sample1 = sample1 | sample1buf2;
            sample = sample1;

            void *src_addr;
            src_addr = &sample;
            memcpy(dst_addr, src_addr, data_size);


        return 0;

Comment Responses:

You may be onto what I am missing. Where and when do you expect to use a period completion notification?

peri_addr was the physical data address register. It previously set to 0xc0056014. I changed to point to virtual address.

dma->peri_addr = phy_base + (i == 0 ? I2S_TXD_OFFSET : I2S_RXD_OFFSET);

dma is pointer to a pcm dma param structure

Once buffer has correctly mapped data, I use memcpy to move it to virtual address.

    `void *src_addr;
    src_addr = &sample;
    memcpy(dst_addr, src_addr, data_size);`

The only handle I do after is point peri_addr to virtual addr.

dma->peri_addr = dst_addr;

  • What is peri_addr? How do you handle the buffer that you report to the ALSA API? And the pointer callback? And period completion notifications?
    – CL.
    Aug 16, 2018 at 20:05
  • See response edit in initial post. You may be onto what I am missing. Where and when do you expect to use a period completion notification? Aug 16, 2018 at 21:16
  • What do you mean with "pcm dma param structure"? Where is it used? How? And see kernel.org/doc/html/latest/sound/kernel-api/….
    – CL.
    Aug 17, 2018 at 5:41
  • What? It is a structure that holds the parameters for the device, in this case a microphone. Where? It is used by the the audio driver to define, set, identify, and reference the audio port's information. How? By the alsa drivers snd_soc_dai_ops structure to start, stop, pause, trigger, a device on a sound card. Inside the struct, there is the following: bool active; bool (*dma_filter)(struct dma_chan *chan, void *filter_param); char *dma_ch_name; dma_addr_t peri_addr; int bus_width_byte; int max_burst_byte; unsigned int real_clock; struct device *dev; Aug 17, 2018 at 14:44
  • dma_addr_t is not a physical address on the CPU's memory bus, but on the bus used by the device. In any case, you cannot use a virtual address there. And your driver must have a ring buffer.
    – CL.
    Aug 17, 2018 at 15:23


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