I'm trying to write some code to test out the Cartesian product of a bunch of input parameters.

I've looked at itertools, but its product function is not exactly what I want. Is there a simple obvious way to take a dictionary with an arbitrary number of keys and an arbitrary number of elements in each value, and then yield a dictionary with the next permutation?


options = {"number": [1,2,3], "color": ["orange","blue"] }
print list( my_product(options) )

Example output:

[ {"number": 1, "color": "orange"},
  {"number": 1, "color": "blue"},
  {"number": 2, "color": "orange"},
  {"number": 2, "color": "blue"},
  {"number": 3, "color": "orange"},
  {"number": 3, "color": "blue"}
  • I'm pretty sure you don't need any library to do this, but I don't know Python quite well enough to answer. I'd guess that list comprehensions are the trick.
    – Matt Ball
    Mar 8, 2011 at 4:00
  • 1
    I'm asking if there exists a ready-made generator that can be easily adapted to do something like this. List comprehensions are not at all relevant. Mar 8, 2011 at 4:02

4 Answers 4


Ok, thanks @dfan for telling me I was looking in the wrong place. I've got it now:

from itertools import product
def my_product(inp):
    return (dict(zip(inp.keys(), values)) for values in product(*inp.values())

EDIT: after years more Python experience, I think a better solution is to accept kwargs rather than a dictionary of inputs; the call style is more analogous to that of the original itertools.product. Also I think writing a generator function, rather than a function that returns a generator expression, makes the code clearer. So:

import itertools
def product_dict(**kwargs):
    keys = kwargs.keys()
    for instance in itertools.product(*kwargs.values()):
        yield dict(zip(keys, instance))

and if you need to pass in a dict, list(product_dict(**mydict)). The one notable change using kwargs rather than an arbitrary input class is that it prevents the keys/values from being ordered, at least until Python 3.6.

  • 4
    Does the fact that dictionary entries are stored unordered affect this in anyway?
    – Phani
    Jun 20, 2014 at 20:50
  • 1
    This is a very neat code to quickly generate unit test cases (cross-validation set style!)
    – gaborous
    Jul 7, 2015 at 14:04
  • 2
    For Python 3 users. I have an updated version here
    – Tarrasch
    Nov 16, 2016 at 2:37
  • 2
    @Phani I would say it's okay as the keys and values, even though unordered, are still consistently ordered respectively to each others.
    – ibizaman
    Dec 9, 2016 at 19:51
  • @Phani If you are using this list of dictionaries as a list of **kwargs to send to a function via map, then it's similar to a lot of nested for loops. The difference is that you have no guarantee of which loop is on the outside, and which loop is on the inside. Oct 27, 2017 at 17:14

Python 3 version of Seth's answer.

import itertools

def dict_product(dicts):
    >>> list(dict_product(dict(number=[1,2], character='ab')))
    [{'character': 'a', 'number': 1},
     {'character': 'a', 'number': 2},
     {'character': 'b', 'number': 1},
     {'character': 'b', 'number': 2}]
    return (dict(zip(dicts, x)) for x in itertools.product(*dicts.values()))
  • 7
    Might add a .keys() for clarity on the left side: (dict(zip(dicts.keys(), x)).
    – andrew
    Feb 27, 2020 at 21:06

By the way, this is not a permutation. A permutation is a rearrangement of a list. This is an enumeration of possible selections from lists.

Edit: after remembering that it was called a Cartesian product, I came up with this:

import itertools
options = {"number": [1,2,3], "color": ["orange","blue"] }
product = [x for x in apply(itertools.product, options.values())]
print([dict(zip(options.keys(), p)) for p in product])
  • 1
    I was trying to explain why looking up "permutations" wasn't helping. I remembered what this actually is: it's a Cartesian product. I would start by looking at itertools.product().
    – dfan
    Mar 8, 2011 at 4:09
  • Yep, done, and thanks for the pointer. But still, welcome to Stack Overflow: an answer should be one that actually provides an answer the question. This belongs as a comment on the question. Mar 8, 2011 at 4:13
  • 1
    @user470379 not really, the original version didn't state Cartesian product Mar 8, 2011 at 4:14
  • 1
    I don't seem to have the ability to comment on anything but my own answers yet. I would have put it there if I could. I'm glad my answer led you to the solution.
    – dfan
    Mar 8, 2011 at 13:13
  • Ah, understood. Well, thanks again for your help in setting me on the right track. Mar 8, 2011 at 15:48
# I would like to do
keys,values = options.keys(), options.values()
# but I am not sure that the keys and values would always
# be returned in the same relative order. Comments?
keys = []
values = []
for k,v in options.iteritems():

import itertools
opts = [dict(zip(keys,items)) for items in itertools.product(*values)]

results in

opts = [
    {'color': 'orange', 'number': 1},
    {'color': 'orange', 'number': 2},
    {'color': 'orange', 'number': 3},
    {'color': 'blue', 'number': 1},
    {'color': 'blue', 'number': 2},
    {'color': 'blue', 'number': 3}
  • 3
    I think Python guarantees that keys() and values() and their corresponding iter* will return in the same order. See docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html#dict.items Mar 8, 2011 at 4:21
  • @Seth: Excellent! Thank you, that had been bothering me for a while. Mar 8, 2011 at 15:43
  • you're quite welcome. It's very handy, and especially for this case. If you review my answer, you can see that the iterkeys/itervalues methods will save you from creating a bunch of temporaries, too. Mar 8, 2011 at 15:50

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