I have this react-native project I worked on my other pc, and I want now to keep working on this exact project folder in my other linux machine.

So now I have the project folder, which doesn't contain node_modules directory, but it does contain "package.json". As I understood it, doing NPM install inside the directory, should install and create the node_modules directory with all the needed dependencies. However, the operation is failed after a while with the error "npm ERR! cb() never called!"

I've already tried to clean npm cache (with -f flag) but it doesn't worked for me. I'm running on Ubuntu 18.04 based os with Node.js v8.10.0 and npm v3.5.2.

  • Can you share the dependencies from your package.json?
    – user835611
    Sep 23, 2018 at 22:47

5 Answers 5


In my case, I had an own custom node_module which is in my package.json like that:

// ...
"dependencies": {
    // ...
    "my-module": "file:../../my-module",
// ...

This package is only available in a specific environment (dynamically added to package.json via npm install ../../my-module), which is by intend, but I forgot about it and when I ran npm install in another environment (where my module was not available) the mysteriuos cb() never called error occured.

After putting the option --no-package-lock behind the npm install the error got more clear, telling me that it has something to do with my-module.

see also: https://stackoverflow.com/a/52474959/3063191

Hope this helps :)


I my case i was able to fix it by deleting

  1. node_modules
  2. package-lock.json

and then running npm install


I had similar issue for git project. The Project configuration had created bad .npmrc file, which was preventing package installation. I resolved it by deleting the .npmrc file, then performing hte following steps:

  1. Delete the node_modules folder from project, if it exists
  2. Delete temp files from machine
  3. Run npm cache clean --force
  4. Run npm install

Manually delete the package-lock.json file and then run "npm install". It should re-generate the package-lock.json.


let me save your time , Just install latest Nodejs. I was trying all day. Finally this solved

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