
I am trying to access a point and get the inpsectors name for it . The query by it`s self works fine but I need the Longitude and Latitude to be variables as the Lng and Lat will change .

This is what I have

DO $$
   longitude text := -4.323966436509;
   latitiude text := 51.857052145748;
    --RAISE NOTICE '% %', longitude, latitiude;
    SELECT inspectors_name as Name  
    FROM ccc_transport_streets."Inspectors_Areas_polygon" 
    WHERE ST_Contains(geom, ST_Transform (ST_GeometryFromText('POINT(lonitude latitiude)',4326), 27700));
END $$;

However I get the error :-

ERROR: parse error - invalid geometry HINT: "POINT(lo" <-- parse error at position 8 within geometry

I have changed the data type to float too. Any ideas pretty new Postgresql .


1 Answer 1


To create point use st_makepoint() function. Then set SRID for point and then check if polygon contains that point.

DO $$
       longitude numeric := -4.323966436509;
       latitiude numeric := 51.857052145748;
        --RAISE NOTICE '% %', longitude, latitiude;
        SELECT inspectors_name as Name  
        FROM ccc_transport_streets."Inspectors_Areas_polygon" 
        WHERE ST_Contains(geom, ST_setSRID (st_makePOINT (longitude, latitiude),4326)
    END $$;

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