I'm working my way through this Keras tutorial Text classification with movie reviews on the Keras website.

They use a variable max_length which they set to 256. I'm not sure I understand where this is coming from. When I check the max length of all the train_data, I get 2494

max(len(l) for l in train_data) 2494

This tutorial also uses a GlobalAveragePooling1D as its second layer, which I'm also not understanding, since the input if fixed to 256.

If anyone can offer insight, it would be much appreciated.

1 Answer 1


Here's a SO question addressing the pad_sequences function that may be helpful. What does Keras.io.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences do?

As far as why they chose 256 as the max length...it's arbitrary. They need all the sequences the same length so they selected a reasonable value. And, yes, some will end up being truncated. A histogram of the lengths would give you an idea how many will be truncated. A quick google yields a histogram:

enter image description here

My advice is to work through the tutorial as-is...then try a few different values of that max-length and see how it affects the results. In practice, a value must be selected.

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