is it possible to pass parameters to a class inside app()->make in bind?

// MyServiceProvider.php (extends ServiceProvider)

$this->app->bind('MyService', function ($app) {
   return new MyService(
      $app->make('SendGrid') // here is where i want to pass some parameters like if I do: new SendGrid($apiKey)

I have try makeWith but still i got this error: Unresolvable dependency resolving [Parameter #0 [ $apiKey ]] in class SendGrid

$this->app->bind('MyService', function ($app) {
   return new MyService(
      $app->makeWith('SendGrid', ['apiKey' => '123'])

How can I do that? Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


I solved the problem. First you have to register a service provider with sendgrid and THEN add the sendgrid service provider in the MyServiceProvider.php.

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