I have two tables in a database. Each have a column (varchar255) with a small number (0-30). I'm only trying to divide those two and this is the result:
If one column has the number 6,575 and the other 1,291 the equation should be 5,09. It outputs 6. Other/most results outputs INF

Image with more equations

The numbers come from a foreach loop from the database and this is the code from the picture:

echo $row["ton"]." - ".$row_w["weight"]." - ".$row["ton"] / $row_w["weight"]."<br>";

I have tried bcdiv and that outputs nothing and is_infinite = 1. What am I missing?

  • 3,932 / 0,979 is never 5.09
    – u_mulder
    Mar 29, 2019 at 12:25
  • 2
    You've issue while mixing concatentation with math operation. This will work: echo $row["ton"]." - ".$row_w["weight"]." - ".($row["ton"] / $row_w["weight"])."<br>";
    – num8er
    Mar 29, 2019 at 12:28
  • Sorry, wrong number/typo Mar 29, 2019 at 12:28
  • try converting the values to int()
    – Sekhu
    Mar 29, 2019 at 12:28
  • 1
    The commas in the numbers are throwing it off. You'll need to strip the commas from the numbers or convert them to periods before you can divide them
    – aynber
    Mar 29, 2019 at 12:33

2 Answers 2


You need to convert the values (char strings) to float using floatval before doing the division.

The inf means that the result is infinite because you are dividing by 0 or a very small number as a result of an unexpected value coming from dealing with chars as floats, as the program is not able to understand the decimals in a proper way.


$var = '578.23';

$float_value_of_var = floatval($var);

and your code could be something like this (only as an indication):

echo $row["ton"]." - ".$row_w["weight"]." - ".floatval($row["ton"]) / floatval($row_w["weight"])."<br>";

Thanks @aynber/@Ash-b for seeing my badly stored values.

$a = str_replace(",", ".", $row["ton"]);
$b = str_replace("," ,".", $row_w["weight"]);

echo $row["ton"]." - ".$row_w["weight"]." - ".$a / $b."<br>";

. instead of ,

Can't set a comment to answer, but case solved.

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