I use the same technique used by facebook javascript to display photographs.

If a user clicks on a picture (in facebook stream), the href is blocked, and part of an "onclick" event that shows the photos in "Theater. "

You can still click the right mouse button on picture and select "Open in new tab" and the picture is open in normal mode.

If I use

$("a").removeAttr ("href").css("cursor", "pointer");

within the event "onclick", the user can not click with the right sull'link and open the page in a new tab.

What to do? Ideas?

User click on a href link Example

function Message() { $("a").removeAttr ("href").css("cursor", "pointer"); //do something... }

using this trick User cannot click with right button of mouse and choose "open in a new tab"

  • im not sure what u want to do
    – Naftali
    Apr 5, 2011 at 21:23
  • User click on a href link <a href="page.php" onclick="javascript:Message()">Example</a> function Message() { $("a").removeAttr ("href").css("cursor", "pointer"); //do something... } using this trick User cannot click with right button of mouse and choose "open in a new tab"
    – Leonardo
    Apr 5, 2011 at 21:28

2 Answers 2


I believe you want to stop the url from opening on click, but still be able to right-click to open? Easy, friend, see this fiddle for the code.

Trust me, you don't want to use onclick='', nor do you want to bind this way: $("#links a").click(function(e){}); You only want to bind to one element because the more binds you have, the more resources your computer needs to run, typically slowing your code down.


Try to put '#' in href, or you can add function on click which return false:

$('a').click(function(){return false;});


  • Don't put # in the href: in some browsers it will jump their viewport up to the top of the page. Apr 5, 2011 at 21:38

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