I have the following:

sidebarCardVm.showCreateButton = ko.computed(function () {
        (sidebarItemType == "Test") ||
        (sidebarItemType == "Test2" && self.selectedItem() != null); // when selectedItem() changes, I expect this to fire.  It does not.

I expect a change of selectedItem to trigger this:

self.selectedItem = ko.computed(function () {
    var matchingCard = getSelectedCard("Item")
    if (matchingCard != null && matchingCard.selectedItem() != null)
        return matchingCard.selectedItem();
    return null;

But it does not. I see self.selectedItem update, but showCreateButton doesn't follow suit. Why is this?

1 Answer 1


Computeds are very smart in determining their dependencies. For example:

const myObs = ko.observable("Hello world");
const returnEarly = ko.observable(true);

const myComp = ko.computed(
  () => returnEarly() || myObs()

console.log(myComp()); // true
console.log(myObs.getSubscriptionsCount()); // 0

console.log(myComp()); // "Hello world"
console.log(myObs.getSubscriptionsCount()); // 1
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.4.2/knockout-min.js"></script>

Because when exitEarly is still true the code never reaches the point where it calls myObs, no subscription is created. Only once it gets to the second part of the ||, we'll start triggering updates for new values of myObs.

Therefore, this piece of code:

(sidebarItemType == "Test") ||
(sidebarItemType == "Test" && self.selectedItem() != null);

by definition, can not create a subscription to selectedItem.

Whenever sideBarItemType === "Test", it will return early and not call selectedItem.

  • So do I just break my conditions into a bunch of if statements with the observable conditions coming first? It doesn't seem smart if it trains humans to expect a certain behavior and then tricks them in an edge-case. May 13, 2019 at 17:33
  • Read the statement from your code I highlighted again. If sidebarItemType is not equal to "Test", the part after && won't be needed to come to the result of false: that's the definition of an AND operator. Only when the a part in a && b is truethy, b will be evaluated. Now, since you've also included an || that checks for a, things break: a || (a && b) will either return a as soon as a is truethy, or return false. It will never return b. May 14, 2019 at 7:12
  • A very important omission was made in my original post. I am testing against a || (b & c) - apologies for the confusion. Either way, I've broken up my computed into if/else statements to force evaluation of the conditions as a workaround. May 14, 2019 at 16:57

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