I am trying to change the values in 2 ValueBoxes (mean values of attribute 'pf_score' and 'ef_score' every year) with the help of slider, which has years 2008-2016. The output is visible as I wanted, but I am also seeing an error "object of type 'closure' is not subsettable"

UPDATE: I am not able to run entire code by clicking on Run-App. I am getting an error "Could not find function df1". I have to read all data frames first separately and then click Run-App to see the UI.

output screenshot



  df <- read.csv("hfi_cc_2018.csv", header = T)
  sapply(df, function(x) sum(is.na(x)))
  #Replace Null Values
  df[is.na(df)] <- 0
  df[,5:ncol(df)] <- round(df[,5:ncol(df)], 2)
  #adding selective columns new df1
  df1<- df[, (names(df) %in% c("year","pf_score", "ef_score"

output$select_years <- renderUI(
   card <- df1 %>%
              filter(year == input$years)
   output$pfrank = renderValueBox(
              "Personal Freedom Score")
   output$efrank = renderValueBox(
              "Economic Freedom Score")



    dashboardHeader(title = "Human Freedom Index", titleWidth = 300),
      sliderInput("years","Select Year:",
                  min = min(df1$year),
                  max = max(df1$year),
                  value = min(df1$year),
                  step = 1),
      selectInput("variable","Select Freedom Factor:",
                  choices = colnames(df1)
  • change df to DF and see what happens Jun 2, 2019 at 3:49
  • Hi Michael, tried changing it, still not working ! Jun 2, 2019 at 3:58
  • did the error change though? Jun 2, 2019 at 4:16
  • No. It's the same error. In addition, I just realised that I am not able to run my code using Run App. I have to run all dataframes one-by-one and the click Run App to successfully see the UI. Jun 2, 2019 at 4:20

2 Answers 2


This type of error is discussed in: Error in <my code> : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable

In this case, it looks like you have card as a plain data frame whereas you need a reactive so that it gets recalculated as you move the slider. Also, the expression for renderUI can be simplified to just a list. e.g.,

ui <- shinyUI( ... )
server <- function(input, output) {
  card <- reactive({
    df1 %>%
    filter(year == input$years)
  output$select_years <- renderUI(
    c(renderValueBox(valueBox(round(mean(card()$pf_score), 1),
                   "Personal Freedom Score")),
      renderValueBox(valueBox(round(mean(card()$ef_score), 1),
                   "Economic Freedom Score"))))
shinyApp(ui, server)

Also note that the new version of Shiny simplifies the syntax a bit. The code can just go in app.R and you need to define ui and server.

  • This a better solution than the one I posted, I hope @Advait changes the accepted answer to reflect this. @James why does renderUI({renderValueBox(...); renderValueBox(...)}) and renderUI({renderValueBox(...)}) both give the 'closure not subsettable' error but renderUI(c(renderValueBox(...), renderValueBox(...))) does not? The traceback shows that it fails at line 106: lapply inside paste8 but the source code doesn't help. So I assumed it had something to do with renderValueBox being a reactive expression, which is a closure?
    – user51462
    Jun 22, 2019 at 3:25
  • renderUI arguments can take a number of different forms but I think the thing to remember here is that you are setting up a data structure that is going to be returned as part of output. The first example that you give evaluates inside the {...} and then gives the last expression result to renderUI. So this is not so good because it you probably wanted both renderValueBox expressions to be included. I think the issue with the closure is that you are passing something that should either be a reactive or a data structure - not a closure. Jun 22, 2019 at 6:44

You could use an observe() to render the value boxes instead of renderUI:


   df <- read.csv("hfi_cc_2018.csv", header = T)

   sapply(df, function(x) sum(is.na(x)))
   #Replace Null Values
   df[is.na(df)] <- 0
   df[,5:ncol(df)] <- round(df[,5:ncol(df)], 2)

   #adding selective columns new df1
   df1 <- df[, (names(df) %in% c("year","pf_score", "ef_score"))]

 ui <- dashboardPage( 
    dashboardHeader(title = "Human Freedom Index", titleWidth = 300),
      sliderInput("years","Select Year:",
                  min = min(df1$year),
                  max = max(df1$year),
                  value = min(df1$year),
                  step = 1),
      selectInput("variable","Select Freedom Factor:",
                  choices = colnames(df1)


 server <- function(input,output){

       card <- df1 %>%
         filter(year == input$years)
       output$pfrank = renderValueBox(
                  "Personal Freedom Score")
       output$efrank = renderValueBox(
                  "Economic Freedom Score")

#Run app
shinyApp(ui, server)
  • thank you so much. It worked. Can you please explain what was the purpose of observe ? Jun 2, 2019 at 7:21
  • No problem! observe() listens to the value of input$years and re-executes the expression inside it each time input$years changes. observeEvent(input$years, {...}) would give the same result. The expression inside a render_ function must return a Shiny tag object, HTML, or a list of such objects, whereas the object being returned by the renderUI in your question is output$efrank which contains the code needed to update the value box, i.e. a reactive expression, which defines a closure. I might be mistaken but I think that's where the error was coming from.
    – user51462
    Jun 2, 2019 at 10:19
  • PS Global variables like df should be defined outside the ui/server functions or in a global.R file in your app directory. In my answer, I've defined it just before the UI call.
    – user51462
    Jun 2, 2019 at 10:20

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