I have a problem with Style Lint. I have set the selector-max-specificity at 0,2,0 with some ignored rules : ignoreSelectors: [":focus", ":hover", etc..]

Now, I want to ignore the :not(.myClass) selector but this doesn't work :(

For example i have my class with this name : .track a:not(.track-visual)

I have tried with regex selector "/:not\\(.*\\)/" or even with "/.*:not\\(.*\\)/"

But no chance :'(

If you have a solution, i'm interested :) Thank you

2 Answers 2


I'm guessing that here we would be wishing to capture those with :not, which in that event, we would be starting with a simple expression such as:



RegEx Circuit

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  • Thank you for your response, i have tested your solution, but this is not working :'( I don't understand why, because for example this is work well if i want to ignore selector attributes : /\[.*\]/
    – Rudy
    Jun 5, 2019 at 8:12

Don't think this can be done. The latest code for the rule includes the following:

const ownSpecificity =
    ownValue === ':not' || ownValue === ':matches'
        ? // :not and :matches don't add specificity themselves, but their children do
        : simpleSpecificity(ownValue);

As per the comment, this is not including the :not itself as something that would add specificity but is including its children, which is what the regex would be checking.

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