I need to add an attribute to nodes in a graph of type list.

Each node needs to have its own copy of the attribute.

I need to add this attribute after my graph is created because its not necessary if a function that alters the graph is never called.

I have tried using the nx.set_node_attributes function but this gives every node the attribute I pass to the function by pointer. So every node is pointing to the same single list where as what I want is to give every node is own copy(deepcopy) of the list.

import networkx as nx
G.add_node(1, attributelist = [])
G.add_node(2, attributelist = [ 'a', 'b', 6])


I expect the output of the above code to be as follows:

NodeDataView({1: {'attributelist': [], 'TestList': ['Value']}, 2: {'attributelist': ['a', 'b', 6], 'TestList': []}})

But what I get is:

NodeDataView({1: {'attributelist': [], 'TestList': ['Value']}, 2: {'attributelist': ['a', 'b', 6], 'TestList': ['Value']}})

I'm fairly sure this is because the nx.set_node_attributes has just given each node a pointer to an attribute called TestList where as what I need is for every node to have its own copy of TestList.

You can see the nodes above have another attribute called attributelist. This attribute behaves as I want it to.

So doing an append function to attributelist only adds the appended value to the node specified.


NodeDataView({1: {'attributelist': ['Cat'], 'TestList': ['Value']}, 2:{'attributelist': ['a', 'b', 6], 'TestList': ['Value']}})

1 Answer 1


By passing in a single list (value) for all nodes, each node is getting a reference to the same list.

Instead, you can pass in a dictionary to set_node_attributes instead of a single list:

nx.set_node_attributes(G,{1: [], 2: []},'TestList')

Or, more generally:

nx.set_node_attributes(G,{ n: [] for n in G.nodes() },'TestList')
  • I read the example in the documentation for networkx about using a dictionary to do what I wanted but got caught up in the fact that dictionaries are unordered and thinking I needed to keep order information. But that doesn't matter since nodes are the order information I needed.
    – Ankur
    Jun 7, 2019 at 19:43

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