I have these steps:

trait BlackjackSteps {
    def gamerTakesTwoCards(gamerName:String): State[Deck, Gamer]
    def dealerTakesTwoCards: State[Deck, Dealer]
    def isBlackjack(gamer: Gamer, dealer: Dealer): Option[Player]
    def gamerDrawsCards(gamer: Gamer): State[Deck, Gamer]
    def dealerDrawsCards(dealer: Dealer, gamer: Gamer): State[Deck, Dealer]
    def determineWinner(gamer: Gamer, dealer: Dealer): Player

    def program(gamerName:String): State[Deck, Player] = for {
      gamer <- gamerTakesTwoCards(gamerName)
      dealer <- dealerTakesTwoCards
      //winner = isBlackjack(gamer, dealer)
      gamerFinal <- gamerDrawsCards(gamer)
      dealerFinal <- dealerDrawsCards(dealer, gamerFinal)
      winnerFinal = determineWinner(gamerFinal, dealerFinal)
    } yield  winnerFinal

Two questions:

  • How do i get the Deck resulting from gamerTakesTwoCards and pass it to dealerTakesTwoCards?

  • isBlackjack may result in a winner in which case I need to stop and return winner. How can I change the above code to do that?

The Game:

  • a gamer and dealer play
  • they both draw two cards
  • if no 21 winner
  • players keep drawing cards until 17
  • highest player not over 21 points wins!

Complete code here: https://bitbucket.org/jameskingconsulting/blackjack-scala/src/master/


I've de-sugared the for-comprehension just make clear what's happening:

def program(gamerName:String): State[Deck, Player] =
      gamerTakesTwoCards(gamerName).flatMap( gamer =>
        dealerTakesTwoCards.flatMap(dealer =>
          isBlackjack(gamer, dealer).fold(

            gamerDrawsCards(gamer).flatMap( gamerFinal =>
              dealerDrawsCards(dealer, gamerFinal).map( dealerFinal =>
                determineWinner(gamerFinal, dealerFinal)

          )(State.pure[Deck, Player])

1 Answer 1

  1. Nothing to do. That's the whole point.
  2. You have to return a winner in both cases, regardless of whether isBlackjack returns a None or a Some. Either way, you have to return a State[Deck, Player]. For example, you could achieve it with fold on the Option, mapping the success-case through pure:

    def program(gamerName:String): State[Deck, Player] = for {
      gamer <- gamerTakesTwoCards(gamerName)
      dealer <- dealerTakesTwoCards
      winner <- isBlackjack(gamer, dealer).fold(for {
        gamerFinal <- gamerDrawsCards(gamer)
        dealerFinal <- dealerDrawsCards(dealer, gamerFinal)
        winnerFinal = determineWinner(gamerFinal, dealerFinal)
      } yield winnerFinal)(State.pure[Deck, Player])
    } yield winner
  • thanks, for (1) I actually had a bug in my code that made me think Deck wasn't being passed correctly but now it's working fine. The one thing that i can't seem to visualise is the transfer of Deck from one step another. Can you share a link that explains how this happens?
    – jakstack
    Jun 12, 2019 at 18:14
  • @jakstack Here is a nice toy example. A State[S, A] is essentially just S => (A, S), i.e. it takes old state, returns an A with the new state. Given a State[S, A] and an f: A => State[S, B], you do the following: you start with the first state s0 and feed it to the State[S, A], which returns (a, s1), where s1 is the first modified state. Now you apply f to a and feed it with the updated state s1. This will return a b: B and an again updated state s2. The (b, s2) is the result that is returned in the end. Jun 12, 2019 at 18:20
  • thanks, is the f: A => State[S, B] one of the steps in BlackjackSteps like gamerTakesTwoCards?
    – jakstack
    Jun 12, 2019 at 18:51
  • @jakstack The signature says it already: gamerTakeTwoCards(s) is of type State[Deck, Gamer], which, as described above, is essentially just a fancy name for Deck => (Gamer, Deck). Jun 12, 2019 at 20:12

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