If I have an HTML element <input type="submit" value="Search" /> a css selector needs to be case-sensitive:

input[value='Search'] matches

input[value='search'] does not match

I need a solution where the case-insensitive approach works too. I am using Selenium 2 and Jquery, so answers for both are welcome.


4 Answers 4


CSS4 (CSS Selector Level 4) adds support for it:

input[value='search' i]

It's the "i" at the end which does the trick.

Broader adoption started mid-2016: Chrome (since v49), Firefox (from v47?), Opera and some others have it. IE not and Edge since it uses Blink. See “Can I use”...


It now exists in CSS4, see this answer.

Otherwise, for jQuery, you can use...

$(':input[name]').filter(function() {
   return this.value.toLowerCase() == 'search';


You could also make a custom selector...

$.expr[':'].valueCaseInsensitive = function(node, stackIndex, properties){
     return node.value.toLowerCase() == properties[3];

var searchInputs = $(':input:valueCaseInsensitive("Search")');


The custom selector is a bit of overkill if doing this once, but if you need to use it many times in your application, it may be a good idea.


Is it possible to have that kind of custom selector for any attribute?

Sure, check out the following example. It's a little convoluted (syntax such as :input[value:toLowerCase="search"] may have been more intuitive), but it works :)

$.expr[':'].attrCaseInsensitive = function(node, stackIndex, properties){
    var args = properties[3].split(',').map(function(arg) {
        return arg.replace(/^\s*["']|["']\s*$/g, '');  
    return $(node).attr(args[0]).toLowerCase() == args[1];

var searchInputs = $('input:attrCaseInsensitive(value, "search")');


You could probably use eval() to make that string an array, but I find doing it this way more comfortable (and you won't accidentally execute any code you place in your selector).

Instead, I am splitting the string on , delimiter, and then stripping whitespace, ' and " either side of each array member. Note that a , inside a quote won't be treated literally. There is no reason one should be required literally, but you could always code against this possibility. I'll leave that up to you. :)

I don't think map() has the best browser support, so you can explictly iterate over the args array or augment the Array object.

  • the custom selector looks exactly like what i need. can you explain what properties[3] is?
    – Alp
    Apr 15, 2011 at 0:47
  • 1
    @Alp properties[3] is the string passed as an argument to the custom selector (the other indexes are assorted meta data).
    – alex
    Apr 15, 2011 at 0:48
  • @alex is it possible to have that kind of custom selector for any attribute? so that all attributes like name, value, class and so on are case-insensitive?
    – Alp
    Apr 15, 2011 at 0:52
  • @Alp Yes, but it gets a little messy. Let me make an update :)
    – alex
    Apr 15, 2011 at 0:53
  • A better return statement is return typeof $(node).attr(args[0]) !== 'undefined' && $(node).attr(args[0]).toLowerCase() == args[1].toLowerCase();
    – HamedH
    May 30, 2018 at 10:10
input[value='Search'] matches
input[value='search' i] Also matches in latest browsers

Support: version : Chrome >= 49.0, Firefox (Gecko) >= 47.0, Safari >= 9


You can't do it with selectors alone, try:

$('input').filter(function() {
    return $(this).attr('value').toLowerCase() == 'search';
  • 1
    You may as well use val() there. Also, it appears they want an exact match, not an indexOf(). :)
    – alex
    Apr 15, 2011 at 0:46
  • Very true, but I used attr() to show you can use it for other attributes as well. Updated to exact match.
    – Khez
    Apr 15, 2011 at 0:48

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